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FDL 2023 : Forum on specification and Design Languages


Conference Series : Forum on specification and Design Languages
When Sep 13, 2023 - Sep 15, 2023
Where Torino
Submission Deadline May 1, 2023
Notification Due Jun 8, 2023
Final Version Due Jul 13, 2023
Categories    language   simulation   semantics   verification

Call For Papers

The 26th Forum on specification and Design Languages (FDL) is an international event where academics and industrials exchange their experiences, advances, and new trends related to languages, tools, and techniques for developing software and hardware. Targeted systems encompass cyber-physical systems, distributed systems, real-time systems, embedded systems, mechatronics, IoT, and reactive systems.

FDL stimulates scientific and controversial discussions within and in-between scientific topics at different maturity levels.​ FDL is based on four non-limiting scientific pillars. Cross-fertilization between them, e.g., in the context of System Engineering, is of great interest.

* Language: Domain-Specific Languages for software, execution platforms, allocations, environment, contracts, abstraction/refinement are of interest, together with the associated design methods and frameworks. ​

* Simulation: innovative simulation techniques, virtual prototypes, digital twins, collaborative simulation, hybrid simulations or runtime abstraction/refinement are of interest, with a special interest on efficiency and correctness of the simulations and the underlying tools
and frameworks.

* Semantics: formal definition, compilers, interpreters, typing, abstraction/refinement, are of interest, together with the underlying specification frameworks or new approaches for their specification, modelling and model transformation. ​

* Verification and Analysis: beyond simulation, innovative static analysis, testing, debugging, model checking, artificial intelligence-based analysis or design space exploration are of interest, together with the underlying models, tools and frameworks.

===== Submissions =====

We solicit submissions of research papers (up to 8 pages), for oral presentation and publication in the formal proceedings. Research papers cover original research supported by experimental or theoretical results. We also solicit submissions for a Ph.D. Forum and a Work-in-Progress session (2 pages).
Authors should submit papers in double column, IEEE format as PDF through the online submission system.

===== Call for Special Sessions =====

A special session consists of a proposed topic of particular interest to the FDL audience. They consist of two to four invited talks. Speakers in a session are requested to submit either a one-page abstract or full paper that goes through the regular review and publication process. Potential organizers of a Special Session must submit a brief proposal (no more than two pages) that describes the topic, intended audience, and a list of possible speakers to

===== Publications =====

For the last 3 years, extended versions of selected papers have been published as a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS).

==== Organizers =====

General Chair: Sara Vinco | Politecnico di Torino
Program Chair: David Broman | KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Special Session Chair: Reinhard von Hanxleden | Kiel University
Ph.D. Forum Co-Chair: Michele Lora | University of Verona
Ph.D. Forum Co-Chair: Frank Oppenheimer | OFFIS
Work in Progress Chair: Christoph Grimm | TU Kaiserslautern
Finance Chair: Franco Fummi | University of Verona
Publication Chair: Hokeun Kim | Hanyang University
Publicity Chair: Christian Pilato | Politecnico di Milano
Multi-Partner Projects Chair: Christian Pilato | Politecnico di Milano
Web Chair: Nicola Dall’Ora | University of Verona
Local arrangements Chair: Francesco Ponzio | Politecnico di Torino

Related Resources

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