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SASTC 2023 : Science and Sensibility: A Transdisciplinary Conference


When Sep 22, 2023 - Sep 24, 2023
Where Online/London
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    interdisciplinary   transdisciplinary   science and art   multidisciplinary

Call For Papers

“Science and Sensibility”: A Transdisciplinary Conference
Online Conference (plus optional London gathering)
September 22-24, 2023
Call for Papers

Proposal Submission Deadline: August 24, 2023
Abstract form on:
Notification of Acceptance: by September 1st (but proposals submitted earlier may receive earlier updates)

Conference fee: 90GBP

According to Richard Dawkins, “There’s real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality”.

Who says that art and science are two separate fields by nature, rather than two different sides of the same coin? Or that scientists, engineers, and medical researchers take interest only in matters within the boundaries of the laboratories and hospitals? For poets, writers, and artists there are no such boundaries, for there is poetic wisdom in scientific knowledge, beauty in anatomy, and concepts worth celebrating in writing. And for biographers and memoirists, the medical humanities offer experiences that are worth preserving in prose. Our forthcoming issue seeks to publish works that deconstruct the common divide between two seemingly distinct disciplines of art and science, building bridges instead of boundaries, and showing the importance of creatively contemplating, cherishing, and preserving the beauty of what we learn and experience.

This conference seeks to bring together scholars, creatives, and other arts-based researchers from different disciplines working on topics related to science, and the bridging of science with the arts. You may be a scientist or a medical practitioner who writes poems and stories or takes on another art (such as music, sculpture, the visual arts, etc.) or alternatively, you may be a creative inspired by science—so the intertwining of your thoughts, ideas, and creativity are welcome, and we can’t wait to hear about your work that combines your creativity with science!

We aim to come together to explore these intersections between science and creativity. Send us your poems, articles, stories (both fiction and non-fiction), art, and reviews on the theme of science. Presenters can either share academic papers and/or creative work (poetry, prose, photography, music, painting, etc.), as we highly encourage arts-based research. We welcome proposals from scholars (of all disciplines), creatives, graduate students, practitioners and professionals.

Whether you are working on research bridging art with creativity, or you have a piece containing astronomical images, eco-poetry, aesthetic reflections on chemicals and substances, lunar photography, artistic depictions of the human body, alchemical musings, art and arithmetic, psychological fiction (or non-fiction), an ode to omicron, or any other creative pieces arising from “scientific” inspiration, please share them with us!

We welcome 15-minute presentations on creative works, comparative studies, and research topics related (but certainly not limited to) the following fields:

-Physics as an inspiration in literature
-Chemistry and the culinary, literary or visual arts
-Alchemy as an art and science
-Psychology and the arts
-Symbolic healing
-Anatomy in painting
-The medical humanities
-Poetry and medicine
-Photography and medical technology
-Ruminations based on scientific theories
-Space poetry
-Music and mathematical formulas
-Viruses and philosophy
-The human body
-Mental illness and the arts
-Quantum physics and artistic expression
-Technological advancements and their impact on artistic creation
-Mathematical patterns in visual arts
-Neuroscience and creativity
-Climate change and environmental art
-Data visualization as an art form
-Ethical considerations in scientific art collaborations
-Evolutionary biology and literature
-Augmented reality and immersive storytelling
-Artificial intelligence and its role in creative processes
-Bioart and biotechnology in artistic practice
-Intersection of robotics and performance art
-Astronomy and music composition
-Psychology of color in visual arts
-Medical imaging techniques and artistic interpretation
-Intersection of archaeology and art history
-Cognitive science and theater/performance studies
-Genetics and contemporary art practices
-Philosophy of science and its influence on artistic discourse
-Ecological activism through artistic interventions
-Anthropology and the representation of cultures in art
-Social sciences and documentary photography
-Nanotechnology and its implications for artistic materials
-Ethnomusicology and cultural expressions of scientific knowledge
-Marine biology and marine-inspired art forms

The first two days of the conference will be an all-online event, followed by an in-person meetup on Sunday for those who can join us in London for a “science tour” and lunch. Want more inspiration? Check out our recently released issue of our literary and arts journal, Indelible, with the special theme of “Science and Sensibility”! Kindly fill out the abstract form by August 24, 2023. For further queries, please email us on, and kindly allow us 2-3 working days to respond.

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