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IWASI 2023 : 9th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces


When Jun 8, 2023 - Jun 9, 2023
Where Monopoli (Bari), Italy
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2023
Notification Due Mar 10, 2023
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2023
Categories    sensors   interfaces   engineering   electronics

Call For Papers

The IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI) is a premier bi-annual workshop on sensors and sensor interfaces that for 20 years has presented advances and disruptive solutions in the fields of software, architecture, design, manufacturing and materials for sensors and integrated circuits.

The 9th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces focuses on modelling, analysis, design and development of embedded cyber-physical systems, sensors and actuators for personalized medicine and healthcare applications, machine learning for low power embedded systems and smart sensing applications, high-energy physics, chemical sensing, autonomous sensors and interfaces, hardware and software co-design for security and cryptography, cybersecurity, autonomous driving and security for airplanes and trains.

Papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics:

- Sensors and actuators for personalized medicine and healthcare applications
- Brain Computer Interfaces: from algorithm to implementation
- Remote sensing applications for environmental control
- Sensor systems for Robotics and Industry 4.0
- Smart sensors and devices for Artificial Intelligence
- Sensor systems for autonomous driving in railway and automotive
- Embedded Sensor Systems for near-sensor computing
- High-energy physics
- Ultra-low power communication devices for sensor networks
- Biochemical sensors, labs on a chip, multi-electrode arrays and their interfaces
- Sensor interfaces: analog and digital sensor data processing architectures and ICs
- Novel testing and modelling techniques for sensors systems
- Printed, flexible, biodegradable and biocompatible sensors and interfaces
- New materials and new technologies for sensors, including 1D and 2D materials
- Remote sensors for applications at multi-acquisition levels and resolutions
- 3D materials and techniques for sensing-oriented additive manufacturing
- Energy harvesters and self-powered sensors for portable and smart electronics
- Label-Free sensors for biomedical and environmental monitoring

Accepted papers will be presented either as oral presentations, posters or interactive presentations.
Interactive presentations will be live demonstrations of working prototypes (hardware/software), conducted in a dedicated exhibition room, where selected author(s) will set up the proposed system and will have the opportunity to show direct proof of their working systems, discuss and challenge conference attendees.

All accepted papers (presentations, poster and interactive presentations) will be included in the workshop proceedings available on IEEEXplore and indexed on Scopus and ISI Web of Science.
Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for publication in a prestigious IEEE journal.

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