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URKE 2011 : The International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Its Application in Knowledge Engineering (URKE ’11)


When Aug 4, 2011 - Aug 7, 2011
Where Bali Indonesia
Submission Deadline Mar 5, 2011
Notification Due Apr 4, 2011
Final Version Due May 5, 2011
Categories    uncertainty reasoning   data modelling and machine lea   knowledge engineering   digital society

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Its Application in Knowledge Engineering (URKE ’11) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and results among researchers, developers, and practitioners working on all aspects of Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering and their applications.

The program of URKE’11 will consist of invited lectures, tutorials, refereed research papers, and tool demonstrations. Research contributions can report new results as well as experimental evaluations and comparisons of existing techniques.

All the submitted papers in these proceedings have been peer reviewed by at least two reviewers drawn from the chairs of committees depending on the subject matter of the paper. Reviewing and initial selection were undertaken electronically. A joint committee meeting was held to resolve the final paper selection and a draft programme for the conference.

We solicit research papers and case studies on any theme related to design thinking, theory, and practice. We place a premium on evidence-based research. Mindful of earlier conferences in the series we offer the following themes of interest and invite authors to take a specific point-of-view. We anticipate that issues at the intersections will be of particular relevance and interest. The conference theme includes, but not limited to, the following topics:

Uncertainty Reasoning
Syntax and Semantics
Logical Formalisms
Probability Theory
Plausible Reasoning
Soft Computing
Machine Learning
Bayesian Inference
Neural Networks
Decision Making
Expert System
Information Retrieval
Data Modelling and Machine Learning
Data Mining Algorithms (e.g., Classification, Regression, Clustering, Association Rules)
Machine Learning and Intelligent Techniques
Data and Knowledge Representation
Mining Of Structured, Textual, Multimedia, Spatio-Temporal Data
Data and Knowledge Visualization
Knowledge Acquisition and Management Outlier Detection
Complexity, Efficiency and Scalability Issues In Data Mining
Other Topics in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Caching and Prefetching
Concurrency Control and Transaction Management
Data Integration
Data Quality
Data Security and Privacy
Database Architectures
Database Integration
Database Semantics
Models and Languages
Physical Database Design
Performance and Scalability
Query Processing and Optimization
Spatio-Temporal, Multimedia, Xml and Web Data Management
Other Topics in Databases and Data Modeling
System Architectures
Distributed and Parallel Systems
Data Intensive Scalable Computing Architectures
Mobile Systems
Other Topics in Underlying Computational Platforms for Data Engineering
Web Application
Business Intelligence
Digital Libraries
E-Commerce and E-Government
Health Science and Medical Systems
Social Networks and Graph Analysis
Streams and Sensor Databases
Other Topics in Emerging Knowledge and Data Engineering Applications
Document Representation, Corpus and Language Modeling
Indexing and Retrieval of Web Media Content
Natural Language, Summarization, Suggestions, and Spell Correction
Negative Content Filtering: Spam, Porn, Viruses, etc.
Query Processing, Retrieval, Ranking, Relevance and Diversity
Web Crawling and Change Monitoring
Other Topics in Web Search
Knowledge Engineering
Semantic Web for Enterprises, Learning and Science
Semantic Web in Blogs, Wikis, Browsers, Crawlers, Harvesters, and Search Engines
Ontologies and Knowledge Representation
Semantic Annotation and Metadata
Other Topics in Semantic Web
Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing
Browser Security Issues: Attacks, Defenses, Policy Models, etc.
Content Protection and Abuse
Digital Society
Wireless Web Security
Other Topics in Internet Security and Privacy
Availability and Fault-Tolerance
Load Balancing and Resource Allocation
Monitoring and Management of Web-Based Services
Performance Modeling
Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements
Mobile Web
Networking Aspects of Web and Cloud Computing
Other Topics in Performance, Scalability and Availability
Applications of Web Media: Biomedicine, Education, Entertainment, etc.
Web Media Systems: Capture, Recording, Protocols, Delivery, etc.
Web Media Visualization
Tagging of Web Media
Other Topics in Web Media
Web Services and Service-Oriented Computing
User Interfaces
Web Software Architecture and Infrastructure
Social Networks and Communities
Computational Advertising: Sponsored Search, Content Match, Targeting, etc.
Monetizing Digital Media, User Generated Content, and the Social Web
Technical Management
Social Networks

Related Resources

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