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KONVENS 2012 : 11th Conference on Natural Language Processing


When Sep 19, 2012 - Sep 21, 2012
Where Vienna, Austria
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2012
Notification Due Jul 20, 2012
Final Version Due Aug 27, 2012
Categories    natural language processing   NLP   speech

Call For Papers

The Conference on Natural Language Processing ("Konferenz zur
Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache", KONVENS) aims at offering a broad
perspective on current research and developments within the
interdisciplinary field of natural language processing. It allows
researchers from all disciplines relevant to this field of research to
present their work.

The KONVENS is held in a two year rotation, organized by the
scientific societies DGfS-CL (German Society for Linguistics, Section
Computational Linguistics), GSCL (Society for Language Technology and
Computational Linguistics) and ÖGAI (Austrian Society for Artificial

The 11th KONVENS is organized by ÖGAI and will be hosted at the
"Juridicum" building of the University of Vienna. The conference will
take place from September 19-21, 2012 in Vienna, Austria.

We welcome contributions on research, development, applications and
evaluation, covering all areas of natural language processing, ranging
from basic questions to practical implementations of natural language
resources, components and systems.

Central theme of the 11th KONVENS is

"empirical methods in natural language processing".

We especially encourage the submission of contributions proposing new
methods for learning from substantial amounts of natural language
(including speech) data, be they annotated or un-annotated, as well
contributions relating to evaluation of such methods. Submissions
should describe unpublished research or innovative industrial

The conference language is English. We welcome international
submissions. In particular, young researchers are encouraged to
present their completed work for discussion.


We welcome two types of contributions:
* Full papers for oral presentation (8 pages + references)
* Short papers for presentation as posters (4 pages + references)

Short papers/posters can be combined with a system demonstration. All
submissions must be made electronically through the conference
website. Reviews will be anonymous. Accepted full and short papers
will be published in the conference proceedings.


Organizing Committee
Jeremy Jancsary - ÖGAI/OFAI, Vienna, Austria
Harald Trost - ÖGAI/Medizinische Universität Wien, Austria
Ernst Buchberger - ÖGAI/Medizinische Universität Wien, Austria

Program Chair
Jeremy Jancsary - ÖGAI/OFAI, Vienna, Austria

Area Chairs
Stefanie Dipper - DGfS-CL/Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany
Alexander Mehler - GSCL/Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany
Philipp Koehn - University of Edinburgh, UK
Chris Biemann - TU Darmstadt, Germany
Ernesto William de Luca - Universität Potsdam, Germany
Gerard de Melo - ICSI, Berkeley, USA
Michael Pucher - FTW, Vienna, Austria
Yves Scherrer - Université de Genève, Switzerland
Brigitte Krenn - OFAI, Vienna, Austria

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