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iStar 2024 : The 17th International i* Workshop [*DEADLINE EXTENDED*]


When Oct 28, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024
Where Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Submission Deadline Aug 30, 2024
Notification Due Sep 18, 2024
Final Version Due Sep 27, 2024
Categories    conceptual modeling   requirements enginering

Call For Papers

* At a Glance
. Submission Deadline: *August 30th*, 2024 [*EXTENDED*] (6 CEUR pages max)
. Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA [co-located with ER 2024]
. Workshop Dates: October 28-31, 2024
. Web site:

* Overview

The iStar workshop series is dedicated to the discussion of concepts, methods, techniques, tools, and applications associated with i* (iStar) and related goal modelling frameworks and approaches (Tropos, GRL, among others). As in previous editions, the objective of the workshop is to provide a unique opportunity for researchers in the area to exchange ideas, compare notes, promote interactions, and forge new collaborations. Expected outcomes include the communication of early results and new ideas to fellow researchers for feedback, the identification of the current problems and promising future research directions and the fostering of awareness, collaboration and interoperability in the area of tool development.

The focus of the iStar workshop series is quite specific and provides an additional forum for the RE community to exchange the latest ideas and research on goal modeling. In line with the ER 2024 conference theme “Conceptual Modeling, AI, and Beyond", this edition of the iStar workshop series seeks to explore what the relevance is of goal modeling to the implementation of AI-intensive systems, or, reversely, how data-driven AI can support, automated, and validate the goal modelling effort. For example can goal modeling help us describe, analyze, and address key problems in AI safety and regulation? Can it be the basis of a requirements- and user-centered AI engineering discipline? What is the role of LLMs in producing and interacting with models of stakeholder goals? Do LLMs and other deep learning-based systems have an explicable intentional structure? Where does it come from, how can we extract it, and how can we relate it to the socio-technical context in which such systems are developed and deployed?

In addition, while iStar modeling is premised on a conception of social actors that are intentional, autonomous, rational, and strategic, there are many applications in today's extensively digitalized world that engage with the human social environment in ever richer, increasingly human-like ways. Many software and information systems today leverage human emotions and values, learn from human behavior, and even challenge human identity []. The workshop encourages contributions that further advance social modeling for RE in the face of today's complex social realities, building upon or challenging state-of-the-art iStar (-family) of modeling.

* Topics of Interest

The workshop is open to the public, the topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
. Adaptive requirements-driven systems
. Agent-oriented systems development
. Business intelligence and data analytics
. Business modeling
. Business process analysis and design, reengineering
. Business, service, and software ecosystems
. Enterprise, systems, and organizational architecture
. Evaluation, verification and validation
. Experience reports and case studies
. Evolution, adaptation, and system dynamics
. Formalizing or extending iStar 2.0
. i* modeling techniques and metamodels: i* modeling concepts, variations and extensions
. Knowledge management
. Law and regulatory compliance
. Mobile and cloud requirements engineering
. Model analysis and contextual reasoning
. Networking or integration with other modeling languages or techniques
. Novel applications of i*
. Ontological foundations
. Requirement analysis for AI systems
. Requirements engineering
. Scalability and uncertainty in modeling
. Security requirements engineering, privacy, and trust
. Socio-technical systems
. Software engineering processes and organizations
. Strategy modeling and business model innovation
. The role of goal modeling in uncertainty analysis
. Tools, visualization, and interaction
. Variability and personalization

* Paper Types and How to Submit

Contributions should focus on describing current and ongoing research related to the i* framework with maximum 6 pages in the new CEUR-ART single column format, which can be viewed online at or downloaded from We welcome four types of papers: technical papers, empirical evaluation and experience reports, position papers, and tool papers.

Submissions should provide an overview of the research objectives and describe contributions, including any related tools and evaluation experience. Contributions should outline ongoing and future work and provide key references.

Tool papers should include references to download information, documentation, and system features. Authors of tool papers will be invited to present a demo in a tool fair during the workshop. We encourage those submitting a tool paper to create or update a page on the i* wiki. Contact if you require a new user name and password for the wiki.

All submissions should be uploaded to easychair ( - please select "iStar’24 Workshop Papers" when prompted.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted works will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings Series.

* Organization

. Amal Ahmed Anda, University of Ottawa, Canada (
. Sotirios Liaskos, York University, Canada (
. Elda Paja, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark (

* Steering Committee

The organization of the i* workshop series is guided by a Steering Committee formed by:
. Xavier Franch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
. John Mylopoulos, University of Ottawa, Canada
. Eric Yu, University of Toronto, Canada

Related Resources

EDOC 2025   29th International Conference on Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing
CMLS 2025   The 6th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences