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IDCS 2011 : The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.cloudbus.org/cdn/idcs11/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems (IDCS 2011) in conjunction with ICA3PP'11, October 24-26, 2011, Melbourne, Australia ******************************************************* IEEE IDCS'11 workshop is the fourth one in its series to promote research in diverse fields related to Internet and Distributed Computing Systems. The emergence of Web as a ubiquitous platform for innovations has laid the foundation for the rapid growth of the Internet. Side-by-side, the use of mobile and wireless devices such as PDA, laptop, and cell phones for accessing the Internet has paved the ways for related technologies to flourish through recent developments. In addition, the popularity of sensor networks is promoting better integration of the digital world with physical environment. In this workshop, we are interested in receiving innovative papers on emerging technologies related to Internet and distributed systems to support the effective design and efficient implementation of high-performance computer networks. The target audience includes researchers and industry practitioners those are interested in different aspects of the Internet and distributed systems, with a particular focus on the practical experiences with the design and implementation of related technologies as well as their theoretical perspectives. Areas of Interest --------------------- The areas of interest are the following (although this list should not be treated as exclusive): - Internet Architectures and Protocols - Modeling and Evaluation of Internet-based Systems - Internet Quality of Service - Next Generation Content Delivery Network - Grid, Cloud, and P2P Computing - Distributed Computing Applications - Energy Efficiency in Large-scale Distributed Systems - Fault Tolerant and Self-managing Distributed Systems - Real-time Multimedia Communication Systems - Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks - Security of Network-based Systems - Network-based Applications (VoIP, Streaming) - Network Management and Traffic Engineering - Tools and Techniques for Network Measurements Web Site and Contact Email for Inquiries --------------------------------------------------- http://www.cloudbus.org/cdn/idcs11 email: idcs11@easychair.org Workshop Chairs --------------------- Jemal Abawajy - Deakin University, Australia Giancarlo Fortino - University of Calabria, Italy Ragib Hasan - Johns Hopkins University, USA Mustafizur Rahman - IBM, Australia Web, Publicity and Logistics Chair ------------------------------------------ Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, International Islamic University, Malaysia Mukaddim Pathan, CSIRO, Australia International Program Committee ------------------------------------------- Joaquín García-Alfaro, TELECOM Bretagne, France Doina Bein, Pennsylvania State University, USA Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia Antonio Coronato, ICAR-CNR, Italy Mustafa Mat Deris, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia Zongming Fei, University of Kentucky, USA S.K. Ghosh, IIT-Kharagpur, India Victor Govindaswamy, Texas A&M University-Texarkana, USA Jaehoon Paul Jeong, University of Minnesota, USA Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, BUET, Bangladesh Tarem Ahmed, Brac University, Bangladesh Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Kyung Hee University, South Korea Dimitrios Katsaros, University of Thessaly, Greece Fahim Kawsar, Bell Labs, BE and Lancaster University, UK Ram Krishnan, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA Hae Young Lee, ETRI, South Korea Ignacio M. Llorente, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Carlo Mastroianni, ICAR-CNR, Italy Jaime Lloret Mauri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Sudip Misra, IIT-Kharagpur, India Muhammad Mostafa Monowar, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh Manzur Murshed, Monash University, Australia Marco Netto, IBM Research, Brazil George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Rajiv Ranjan, University of New South Wales, Australia Thomas Repantis, Akamai Technologies, USA Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Canada Ramesh Sitaraman, University of Massachusetts, USA Mostafa Al Masum Shaikh, University of Tokyo, Japan Paolo Trunfio, University of Calabria, Italy Christian Vecchiola, University of Melbourne, Australia Spyros Voulgaris, Vrije Universiteit, Netherland Anwar Walid, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, USA Lizhe Wang, Indiana University, USA Bin Xie, InfoBeyond Technology, USA Norihiko Yoshida, Saitama University, Japan Submission Guidelines ----------------------------- Original papers from the above-mentioned or other related areas will be considered. Papers should be submitted electronically via the workshop Web site at http://www.cloudbus.org/cdn/idcs11. Each submitted paper should follow IEEE Computer Society 8.5x11-inch Conference Proceedings format (Available here). The length of all workshop papers will have 6 pages limit, including all figures, appendix, and references, etc. Submitted papers may not have appeared in or be under consideration for another workshop, conference or a journal, nor may they be under review or submitted to another forum during the review process. Each submission will be reviewed by the members of the TPC and external reviewers. Publication -------------- The workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press as part of IEEE ICA3PP 2011 conference proceedings, and will be made available to all conference registrants on site. All workshop papers will also be electronically available through IEEE Xplore Digital Database, and professionally indexed through INSPEC and EI Index. Selected papers from the workshop will be invited to extend for possible publication in the Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA) and International Journal of Internet and Distributed Computing Systems (IJIDCS). Registration ---------------- Each paper selected for inclusion in the proceedings must be registered for ICA3PP 2011 at the same registration rates. Each paper has to be presented in person by the author, or one of the authors. Important Dates ---------------------- June 30, 2011: Paper Submission Due July 30, 2011: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection August 15, 2011: Camera-Ready Due October 24-26, 2011: Workshop Takes Place |