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ICCC 2022 : The Thirteenth International Conference on Computational Creativity


When Jun 27, 2022 - Jul 1, 2022
Where Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Abstract Registration Due Feb 18, 2022
Submission Deadline Feb 25, 2022
Notification Due Apr 8, 2022
Final Version Due May 13, 2022
Categories    creativity   computer science   artificial intelligence   cognitive science

Call For Papers

Computational Creativity (or CC) is a discipline with its roots in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Science, Engineering, Design, Psychology, and Philosophy that explores the potential for computers to be autonomous creators in their own right. ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on frameworks that offer greater clarity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

*** Themes and Topics ***
Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited to:

- Applications that address creativity in specific domains such as music, language, narrative, poetry, games, visual arts, graphic design, product design, architecture, entertainment, education, mathematical invention, scientific discovery, and programming.
- Applications and frameworks that allow for co-creativity between humans and machines, in which the machine is more than a mere tool and takes on significant creative responsibility for itself.
- Metrics, frameworks, formalisms and methodologies for the evaluation of creativity in computational systems, and for the evaluation of how such systems are perceived in society.
- Computational paradigms for understanding creativity, including heuristic search, analogical and meta-level reasoning, and representation.
- Resource development and data gathering/knowledge curation for creative systems, especially resources and data collections that are scalable, extensible and freely available as open-source materials.
- Ethical considerations in the design, deployment or testing of CC systems, as well as studies that explore the societal impact of CC systems.
- Cognitive and psychological computational models of creativity, and their relation with existing cognitive architectures and psychological accounts.
- Computational models of social aspects of creativity, including the relationship between individual and social creativity, diffusion of ideas, collaboration and creativity, formation of creative teams, and creativity in social settings.
- Perspectives on CC which draw from philosophical and/or sociological studies in a context of creative intelligent systems.
- CC in the cloud, including how web services can be used to foster unexpected creative behaviour in computational systems.
- Debate papers that raise new issues or reopen seemingly settled ones. Provocations that question the foundations of the discipline or throw new light on old work are also welcome.
- High-level analyses of trends, biases, paradigms and historical shifts in the computational treatment of creativity.

New papers reflecting all computational approaches and perspectives on creativity are welcome, including e.g., symbolic approaches, neural and statistical approaches, hybrid approaches, big-data approaches, rule-based approaches, curated approaches, and so on. The onus is on authors to argue and/or explicitly demonstrate the relevance of their work to the topic of computational creativity. Manuscripts should be exclusively submitted to ICCC, and may only be under review for ICCC for the duration of the review process. All papers should be in-scope and comply with scientific norms. The program chairs reserve the right to fast review papers that flout these requirements.

*** Paper Types ***
We welcome the submission of five different types of long papers: Technical papers, System or Resource description papers, Study papers, Cultural application papers and Position papers.

This year the submission process has two stages: initial submission of a title and abstract, and subsequent submission of the full paper a week later.

Papers will be reviewed in a double-blind fashion, which necessitates that authors take appropriate steps to remain anonymous. The final, de-anonymised version of multi-author papers should include a Contributions section in which the contribution of each author is explicitly stated.

*** LONG PAPERS, Important Dates ***
- Abstracts due: February 18, 2022
- Full papers due (strict): February 25, 2022
- Acceptance notification: April 8, 2022
- Camera-ready copies due: May 13, 2022
- Conference: June 27-July 1, 2022

We expect the submission deadline for short papers to be set a week after long-paper notification, allowing a short period for authors to retool their long-paper submissions for this call. Please watch for future announcements of the short-paper call.

We are working to a tighter schedule this year, as we shift the conference from September back to June, and so authors should not expect any extension to the above deadlines. Rather, these will be strictly enforced to give the program committee sufficient time for their review work.

*** All authors of accepted papers can opt to also show a demo of their system or prototype during the conference. You will be asked if you are interested in this option during the submission process ***

*** More Information ***
More information on the paper types and submission process can be found at

*** Organizing Committee ***
General Chairs: Oliver Kutz & Tony Veale
Local Chair: Roberto Confalonieri
Program Chairs: Anna Kantosalo & Maria M. Hedblom

If you wish to receive more information about ICCC’22 please subscribe:

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