The first International Conference on disruptive technologies, tech ethics and artificial intelligence (DiTTEt) aims to bring together leading experts in the field of technology with global experts in the ethics of new technologies. DiTTEt provides a forum to present and discuss the latest scientific and technical advances and their implications in the field of ethics. Also provide a forum for experts to present their latest research in disruptive technologies, promoting knowledge transfer. It provides a unique opportunity to bring together experts in different fields, academics and professionals to exchange their experience in the development and deployment of disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, their ethical problems. DITET intends to bring together researchers and developers from industry, humanities and academia to report on the latest scientific advances and the application of artificial intelligence as well as its ethical implications in fields as diverse as climate change, politics, economy or security in today’s world. Researchers can contribute to the conference by sending articles that illustrate research results, projects, works or industrial developments that describe significant advances in the thematic areas of the conference.
Due to the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the DITTET 2021 conference will be held in hybrid mode. Authors who wish to do so will be able to give their presentation at the conference virtually. If the epidemiological situation permits, authors who wish to attend in a physical form will be able to present their work in a hybrid environment with live broadcast.