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H-Workload 2021 : Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2021)


When Nov 24, 2021 - Nov 26, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2021
Final Version Due Aug 15, 2021
Categories    mental workload   ergonomics   neuroscience   neuroeconomics

Call For Papers

After the success of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions, we are delighted to present the 5th International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2021) which will be held fully ONLINE in partnership with Technological University Dublin.

We’d like to invite you to submit a paper for review to be included in the 2021 symposium.

The scientific programme of WORKLOAD 2021 will consist of regular and technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international programme committee, a selection of best papers will be chosen for a planned special volume by Springer .

Following the previous editions (2017-2020), the Symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines including psychology and human factors, computer science and human-computer interaction, education and neuroscience and provide a mechanism for the exchange of ideas and technologies between a worldwide audience of academics and industrial scientists. We are trying to build a community of practice around this topic and we hope you can join us for it too!

We solicit submissions, in the form of FULL and SHORT papers, on previously unpublished research work on human mental workload covering all disciplines and domains. Example areas include but are not limited to:

Mental workload theory and frameworks

Formal and computational new models of mental workload
Analysis of dimensions and metrics of mental workload
Cognitive load theory and cognitive load measurement in Education
Mental workload and analysis of cognitive capacity/information processing

Measurement of mental workload

Physiological and neurological measures
Self-reporting and psychological measures
Task performance measures
Analytic measures

Mental workload in context

Mental Workload and impact of fatigue
Mental overload/underload effects
Mental workload and its impact on operators/operations, Safety/risk, situation awareness
Mental workload in teams and collaborative aspects

Applications of mental workload in practice

Mental workload and interaction design
Mental workload and human machine interfaces
Mental workload and user experience
Mental workload and assistive technologies
Mental workload in education and instructional design
Mental workload and simulation
Mental workload and prototyping
Mental workload and user studies

Mental workload in safety critical domains

Transportation (road, rail, aviation, maritime)
Medical and healthcare
Oil and gas
Process industries and manufacturing

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