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i-IKM 2021 : 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management


When Jun 24, 2021 - Jun 26, 2021
Where East West University, Bangladesh- Online
Submission Deadline May 20, 2021
Notification Due May 25, 2021
Final Version Due Jun 10, 2021
Categories    information management   knowledge management   libraries

Call For Papers

As the world is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, it is of immense importance that we maintain social distancing and follow safety measures. However, moving on with everything in life is the lesson we learned during this pandemic. It is necessary that we remain connected and keep enhancing and sharing our knowledge.

Keeping this in mind, the Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University is going to organize the 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (i-IKM 2021) which is scheduled to be held on 24-26 June 2021 virtually.

The theme of the conference is “Information and Knowledge Management, Innovation and Awareness for Sustainable Library and Information Institutions”. The main thematic areas are:

Information and Knowledge Management
Innovation in Library and Information Institutions (LIIs)
Awareness Building on Library and Information Institutions (LIIs)
Sub-areas are available at

Prospective authors (i.e. faculty members, subject experts, information professionals, librarians, practitioners, research students, and so on) are invited to submit their full original abstracts and research papers (not submitted elsewhere) to the EasyChair platform

The deadline for abstract submission is no later than 30 April 2021.

International experts on information and knowledge management from all around the world are expected to join this virtual conference. For further information, please visit our conference website:

Submission Guidelines:

This template provides information for i-IKM authors regarding the preparation of their structured abstract. We request that authors use this template and the styles embedded in the document to facilitate the review process. The title should capture the essence of your research.

Do not include author names, affiliations and contact information in the abstract.

Keywords: Include maximum 4-6 keywords here, which are specific and reflect the essence of your research. The keywords should be separated by commas, Keyword (except the first one) will be small letters and the last one ends with a dot.

Length: Provide the length of the body (i.e. not counting the list of references) of the abstract. The length should be between 400-500 words (including Keywords).

1. Purpose: The research Purpose should be clearly stated. Be very explicit in saying what you aim to achieve with the research.

2. Design/Methodology/Approach: This section must describe the methods you (intend to) use in the research, and provide information about your (intended) sample, constructs and variables, methods of data collection and validation, and analytical techniques.

3. Findings: This part of the abstract conveys the results of your study. You should provide a critical synopsis of the findings of the study, using key data to demonstrate the outcomes. Avoid simply citing data, particularly in quantitative studies. What is required is a synthesis of the data and how it answers your research question. Information should flow logically between each of the key findings. Define any weaknesses or strengths identified in your data and conclude with the implications of your findings and their contribution towards the field of research that was investigated.

4. Research limitations/implications (if applicable): This portion will provide suggestions for future research and any identified limitations in the research process.

5. Practical Implications (if applicable): This part will identify the outcomes and implications for practice, applications and consequences.

6. Social Implications (if applicable): This part will identify the impact on society of this research.

7. Originality/value: This part State the new insight and value of the paper as well as to whom.

References: Three to five References should be included in abstract according to the guideline of APA 6th Edition

Key Dates to Remember

Last day of abstract submission: 30 April 2021
Notification of acceptance of abstract: 07 May 2021
Last day of full paper submission: 01 June 2021
Notification of acceptance of full paper: 10 June 2021
Last day of registration: 17 June 2021
Camera-ready ppt submission: 20 June 2021
Inaugural program of Conference: 24 June 2021


The editorial board of the conference reserves all the right to accept or reject the articles without any prior intimation. All the accepted abstracts will be published on the conference proceedings.

Selected papers will be published in an Edited Book with ISBN.

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