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When Nov 20, 2021 - Nov 20, 2021
Where Bergamo, Italy
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2021
Notification Due Sep 30, 2021
Categories    security   privacy   cybercrime   hacking

Call For Papers

Event: No Hat 2021
Date: 20th November 2021
Venue: Centro Congressi Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy

Call for Presentations

No Hat is a computer security conference organized by BITM. This year's edition
will take place on November 20th in Bergamo, Italy.

We are seeking ideas and contributions in the following areas, but not limited to:

* Side Channel Attacks
* Privacy and Anonymity
* Mobile and OS Security
* Web and Browser Security
* Investigations and e-Crime
* Cloud and Hypervisor Security
* Hardware and Physical Security
* Malware Analysis and Detection
* Attacks to Radio Protocols (SDR)
* Industrial and Vehicular Networks
* Vulnerability Research, Exploitation
* Network Protocols, Analysis and Attacks
* Telecommunication Security, 5G, Satellite
* Attacks to Cryptographic Schemes and Defense
* Data Recovery, Forensics and Incident Response
* State of the Art and Systematization of Knowledge
* Critical Infrastructure and Cyber-Physical-Systems

All speaking slots are 45 minutes *including* questions. Preferred language is English.


To apply, please submit to info [@] hacklabg [dot] net.
Include [NO HAT 2021] in the subject, together with title.

Remember to include the following:
- Your name or nickname
- Your website and twitter handler, if any
- Your profile picture // optional
- Your biography (who you are, and previous speaking experience) // max 150 words

- The abstract // max 250 words
- The outline of the presentation // max 500 words
- Any additional material detailing your contribution (e.g., slides, paper or poc)

- Why you want to talk at No Hat
- If your work is novel (never presented before). If not, please specify where previously presented
- From where you plan to travel, if accepted


Our CFP closes on September 15th, and the notifications will be given on September 30th at most.
|_ Proposals sent before August 15th will receive early notification.


Accepted talks will benefit from flight and hotel accommodation (up to one speaker).
In case of virtual conference, speakers will be rewarded with an Amazon gift card (or equivalent) of 300€.

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