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CHIIR 2020 : ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval


When Mar 14, 2020 - Mar 18, 2020
Where Vancouver, Canada
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2019
Notification Due Dec 10, 2019
Categories    information retrieval   human-computer interaction

Call For Papers

Welcome to the fifth ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) (pronounced “cheer”), which will take place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on 14–18 March, 2020.

CHIIR provides a forum for the dissemination and discussion of research on the user-centered aspects of information interaction and information retrieval. CHIIR focuses on elements such as human involvement in search activities, and information seeking and use in context. The conference represents a merger of two successful past events: the Information Interaction in Context conference (IIiX) and the Human Computer Information Retrieval symposium (HCIR).

Questions? Please send an email to

October 1, 2019
Workshop and Tutorial proposals due

October 15, 2019
Full papers and Perspectives papers due

October 29, 2019
Short papers, Demos and Doctoral Consortium proposals due

October 23, 2019
Notifications of acceptance for Workshops and Tutorials

December 10, 2019
Notifications of acceptance for all other submission types

Submission Types
Full papers: High quality, original research of relevance to CHIIR may be submitted as a full paper (9 pages + references). Submissions should include an analysis or evaluation using rigorous techniques such as laboratory studies, field experiments, in situ observational studies, crowdsourcing, simulations of search behavior, or log analysis. Authors should describe their methods, specific techniques, and search context in sufficient detail to allow for replication and reuse. Accepted full papers will be published in the proceedings, and presented as paper presentations at the conference.

Perspective papers: A special category of full papers (9 pages + references), perspective papers should present novel ideas or insights concerning approaches, key challenges, or theoretical or methodological issues that have the potential to inspire substantive discussion and lead to significant advances in the field. These papers should not consist primarily of literature reviews or the presentation of stand-alone studies, but may take the form of:

Reflections upon the body of research, considering how the field, the theories, the models, and the methods have developed;
Discussion of the implications of research findings on users in the real world;
Proposals for and discussions of theories or models of information-interaction; or critical, provocative, and creative contributions to stir debate and discussion.
Short papers: Short papers (4 pages + references) should report on original, significant, high-quality research. A short paper could present a more focused study of smaller scope than a full paper. For example, work in progress, preliminary research analysis, or late-breaking results are suitable for short papers. Accepted short papers will be published in the proceedings, and presented as posters at the conference.

Demonstrations and Resources: We welcome two types of submissions (both are 4 pages + references). Demonstration papers should enable presenters to give participants first-hand experience of novel research prototypes, operational systems, or in-progress concepts in development. The submission should both describe and show the proposed solution, addressing questions such as: What problem does the prototype/system/concept seek to address? How does it do so? Who are the users? How will you demonstrate this work? How does the work compare with those that exist already? Finally, how, where, and when will your technology have a technical or commercial impact? Resource papers should describe publicly available datasets or open source software that are new or not well-known, allowing researchers to replicate research results and providing a citable paper when using that resource. Resource papers will be evaluated based on the quality of the resource, its novelty compared to other available alternatives, how well it has been described, and its potential for investigating a variety of research questions. The authors should submit a short video of the demo in addition to the paper describing the work. The authors are also encouraged (but not required) to include a URL where the demo itself can be accessed. For submissions of datasets, authors should provide a public URL for downloading. For submissions of software, the source code, dependencies on external libraries, and installation instructions must be available on a public Web page or in a publicly accessible repository. All datasets and source code must be licensed in such a manner that it can be legally and freely used, at the minimum in academic and research settings.

Wireless network access, along with a table and poster mount backdrop, will be provided for all accepted demonstrations and resources. A paper describing each accepted demonstration will be included in the conference proceedings.

Doctoral Consortium: Doctoral Consortium proposals (4 pages including references) should include the abstract, motivation, research questions, (planned or ongoing) methodology, progress made, and future plans. The CHIIR Doctoral Consortium, held in conjunction with the main conference, provides an opportunity for doctoral students to present and discuss their research with senior researchers and other doctoral students in a seminar format. The Doctoral Consortium focuses on 1) advising students regarding current critical issues in their research, and 2) making students aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their research as viewed from different perspectives. Accepted proposals are eligible for publication in the proceedings. Doctoral consortium submissions are not anonymous.

Workshops: Original workshop proposals (4 pages including references) should be highly interactive and could be either full-day or half-day. We welcome workshops that address important issues, discuss potential solutions, integrate various approaches, and offer innovative perspectives within the themes of the conference and have strong potential to contribute to the evolution of research and development of human computer interaction and information retrieval. Workshop proposals are not anonymous.

Tutorials: Proposals for tutorials (4 pages including references) should address topics relevant to the themes of the conference and could be either full-day or half-day. Each proposal is expected to cover the selected topic in depth by providing the audience with different perspectives, approaches, and recent developments and advances in the community. Tutorial proposals are not anonymous. Please see the Call for Tutorial Proposals for more information.

Accepted workshop and tutorial proposal papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

Related Resources

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