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STACS 2021 : Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science


Conference Series : Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
When Mar 16, 2021 - Mar 19, 2021
Where Saarbrücken, Germany
Submission Deadline Oct 5, 2020
Notification Due Dec 20, 2020
Final Version Due Jan 18, 2021
Categories    algorithms   complexity   theory

Call For Papers

STACS 2021 - First Call for papers

The 38th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Science March 16—19, 2021, Saarbrücken, Germany


We are quite optimistic that STACS 2021 will happen as a physical conference, maybe with an option of remote participation for authors who cannot attend due to the COVID situation. If this is not possible, STACS 2021 will take place as an online event.


Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Typical areas include (but are not limited to):

* algorithms and data structures,
including: design of parallel, distributed, approximation,
parameterized and randomized algorithms; analysis of algorithms and
combinatorics of data structures; computational geometry, cryptography,
algorithmic learning theory, algorithmic game theory;
* automata and formal languages,
including: algebraic and categorical methods, coding theory;
* complexity and computability,
including: computational and structural complexity theory,
parameterized complexity, randomness in computation;
* logic in computer science,
including: finite model theory, database theory, semantics,
specification verification, rewriting and deduction;
* current challenges,
for example: natural computing, quantum computing, mobile and net
computing, computational social choice.


Peter Bürgisser, TU Berlin, Germany
Patrice Ossona de Mendez, CAMS, Paris, France
Lidia Tendera, Opole University, Poland


C. Aiswarya, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India
Antoine Amarilli, Telecom Paris, France
Christel Baier, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Petra Berenbrink, University of Hamburg, Germany
Markus Bläser, Saarland University, Germany, co-chair
Mikołaj Bojańczyk, University of Warsaw, Poland
Nicolas Bousquet, CNRS, Université Lyon 1, France
Dmitry Chistikov, University of Warwick, UK
Radu Curticapean, ITU Copenhagen, Denmark
Jérôme Durand-Lose, University of Orléans, France
Anna Gal, University of Texas, Austin, USA
Eun Jung Kim, CNRS, University Paris Dauphine, France
François Le Gall, Nagoya University, Japan
Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Martin Loebl, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen, Germany
Irène Marcovici, Université de Lorraine, France
Kitty Meeks, University of Glasgow, UK
Tobias Mömke, University of Augsburg, Germany
Benjamin Monmege, Aix-Marseille University, France, co-chair
Pat Morin, Carleton University, Canada
Igor Potapov, University of Liverpool, UK
Chandan Saha, IISc Bangalore, India
Kai Salomaa, Queen's University, Canada
Ramprasad Saptharishi, TIFR Mumbai, India
Thatchaphol Saranurak, TTI Chicago, USA
Sven Schewe, University of Liverpool, UK
Markus L. Schmid, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
Hadas Shachnai, Technion, Israel
Shay Solomon, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Magnus Wahlström, Royal Holloway, UK


There will be tutorials (to be announced) taking place on March 15, 2021.


Submissions can be uploaded to EasyChair:

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper with at most 12 pages (excluding the title page and the references section). The title page consists of the title of the paper and the abstract,
but *no* author information.

The usage of pdflatex and the LIPIcs style file (see are mandatory; no changes to font size, page geometry, etc. are permitted. Submissions not in the correct format or submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

The paper should contain a succinct statement of the issues and of their motivation, a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of their significance, accessible to non-specialist readers.

Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an appendix, to be read by the program committee members at their discretion.

Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings or to journals is not allowed. PC members are excluded from submitting.

STACS 2021 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process for the first time, similar to the one of ESA: submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. The purpose of the double-blind reviewing is to help PC members and external reviewers come to an initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult. In particular, important references should not be omitted or anonymized. In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For example, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web, submit them to arXiv, and give talks on their research ideas.

There will be a rebuttal period for authors between November 24—27, 2020. Authors will receive the reviews of their submissions (via EasyChair) and have three days to submit rebuttals (via EasyChair). These rebuttals become part of the PC meeting, but entail no specific responses.


Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the symposium. As usual, these proceedings will appear in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl. This guarantees perennial, free and easy electronic access, while the authors retain the rights over their work. With their submission, authors consent to sign a license authorizing the program committee chairs to organize the electronic publication of their paper, provided the paper is accepted.


* Deadline for submissions: October 5, 2020 (AoE)
* Rebuttal: November 24–27, 2020
* Author notification: December 20, 2020
* Final version: January 18, 2021
* STACS 2021: March 16–19, 2021



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