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IntFog 2020 : IEEE Globecom 2020 Workshop: Intelligent Fog and Edge Infrastructures for Future Wireless Systems


When Dec 7, 2020 - Dec 11, 2020
Where Taipei
Submission Deadline Aug 1, 2020
Notification Due Sep 1, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 1, 2020
Categories    edge   AI

Call For Papers

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Title: Intelligent Fog and Edge Infrastructures for Future Wireless Systems
Workshop Organizer(s): Prof. Maria Yuang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan; Dr. Alain Mourad, Interdigital, UK; Dr. Antonio de la Oliva, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain; Dr. Bengt Ahlgren, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden
Email Address of Organizer(s):,,,
To support future wireless systems, or Beyond 5G networks, fog and edge have been emerging as key infrastructures within close proximity to the end users, where network intelligence and innovated service could be efficiently implemented. Leveraged with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, fog and edge computing infrastructures have further been proved distinctively effective to deliver optimized and customized services that demand ultra-low latency and ultra-high bandwidth performance. Moving computing powers to the edge and fog has also helped in rediscovering a wealth of dormant assets in the local access networks. These dormant assets are essentially contextual information collected directly from the users, smart devices, and nodes. Therefore, fog and edge computing infrastructure is playing an ever increasingly crucial role of bringing the IoT, big data and distributed intelligence together for future wireless systems.Nevertheless, designing intelligent Fog and Edge infrastructures posts some real challenges. They include how AI can be applied for network slicing, how to apply Machine Learning (ML) to streaming data, how to apply reinforcement learning to resource allocation and load balancing, and even how to build cohesive infrastructure to develop AI software, to name but a few. Meanwhile, some practical issues, such as how to run AI training algorithms in an power efficient manner, and how to create and handle data sets relevant enough to acquire knowledge, etc., should also be taken into consideration. These challenges are currently being addressed in several research projects (e.g., H2020 GROWTH, 5G-DIVE) and standardization bodies.
Topics of Interest:
This workshop expects to become a meeting point between industry and academia to jointly provide valuable insights into the new definition of intelligent fog and edge for future wireless systems. This workshop seeks to attract high-quality contributions covering both theory and practice over all aforementioned and other related aspects of AI-based fog and edge infrastructure design and development.
Some representative topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Infrastructure Design for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- Edge data center network design for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- Energy efficient computing for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- Energy efficient architecture for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- Collaborative Edge-Fog Algorithms for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- Software Platform for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- Applications and Services for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- Virtualization Technologies for AI/ML-enabled Fog/Edge
- AI/ML for Network Slicing at Fog/Edge
- AI/ML for Resource Management at Fog/Edge
- AI/ML for Load Balancing at Fog/Edge
- AI/ML for Network Automation at Fog/Edge
Important Dates:
Deadline for paper submission: July 15th, 2020
Date for notification: September 1st, 2020
Deadline for final paper submission: October 1st, 2020

List of Committee Members
TPC Chair:Prof. Po-Lung Tien, NCTU, Taiwan

TPC members:
Dr. Samer Talat, ITRI, Taiwan
Dr. Carlos J. Bernardos, UC3M, Spain
Dr. HuaLung Tsai, ITRI, Taiwan
Dr. Carlos Guimarães, UC3M, Spain
Mr. Juan Carlos Zuniga, Sigfox, Canada
Dr. Angelo Corsaro, ADLINK, France
Mr. Robert Gazda, InterDigital
Mr. Kj Liu, ASKEY, Taiwan
Mr. Luis M. Contreras, Telefonica, Spain
Prof Sebastien Lafond, Abo Akademi University, Finland
Prof Mehdi Bennis, University of Oulu, Finland
Prof Mohamad Assaad, Centrale Supelec, France
Dr Xavier Costa, NEC, Germany
Dr Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, CTTC, Spain
Mr. Osamah Ibrahiem Abdullaziz, NCTU, Taiwan
Dr. Gyanesh Patra, Ericsson, Sweden
Dr. Shou-Fong Chin, Senior Vice President, Delta Electronics, Inc 

Related Resources

IEEE ACIRS 2025   IEEE--2025 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2025)
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ICIBM 2025   13th International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM 2025)
Ei/Scopus-CCRIS 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System (CCRIS 2025)
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ACIRS 2025   IEEE--2025 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2025)
Hong Kong-MIST 2025   2025 Asia-Pacific Conference on Marine Intelligent Systems and Technologies (MIST 2025)
ICFEC 2025   9th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing
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