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DSS 2020 : CFP: IEEE DSS-2020 Virtual Conference | |||||||||||||
Link: http://cse.stfx.ca/~dss/2020/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
The IEEE DSS-2020 Conference was planned to be held in Fiji, December 14-16, 2020. Given the COVID-19 pandemic and associated travel restrictions, as the safety of people is of the highest priority, the conference will be held virtually on December 14-16, 2020. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library after they are presented at the virtual conference. Information and instructions on how to prepare for a virtual presentation will be sent separately. Registration fees for the conference will be adjusted.
-------------------------- INTRODUCTION -------------------------- As an interdisciplinary area, Data Science draws scientific inquiry from a broad range of subject areas such as statistics, mathematics, computer science, machine learning, optimization, signal processing, information retrieval, databases, cloud computing, computer vision, natural language processing, etc. Data Science is on the essence of deriving valuable insights from data. It is emerging to meet the challenges of processing very large datasets, i.e. Big Data, with the explosion of new data continuously generated from various channels, such as smart devices, web, mobile and social media. Data Systems are posing many challenges in exploiting parallelism of current and upcoming computer architectures. Data volumes of applications in the fields of sciences and engineering, finance, media, online information resources, etc. are expected to double every two years over the next decade and further. With this continuing data explosion, it is necessary to store and process data efficiently by utilizing enormous computing power. The importance of data intensive systems has been raising and will continue to be the foremost fields of research. This raise brings up many research issues, in forms of capturing and accessing data effectively and fast, processing it while still achieving high performance and high throughput, and storing it efficiently for future use. Innovative programming models, high performance scalable computing platforms, efficient storage systems and expression of data requirements are at immediate need. Extended versions of selected best papers will appear in SCIE-indexed international journals, such as Information Fusion (IF: 13.669), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 9.112), Future Generation Computer Systems (IF: 6.125), Digital Communications and Networks (IF: 5.382), IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (IF: 5.213), IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatics Sinica (IF: 5.129), Neurocomputing (IF: 4.438), Journal of Cloud Computing (IF: 2.788), Journal of Systems Architecture (IF: 2.552), MDPI Electronics (IF: 2.412) and Software: Practice and Experience (IF: 1.786). DSS (Data Science and Systems) was created to provide a prime international forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain experts to exchange the latest advances in Data Science and Data Systems as well as their synergy. 2020 is the 6th event following the success in 2015 (DSDIS-2015), 2016 (DSS-2016), 2017 (DSS-2017) ,2018 (DSS-2018) and 2019 (DSS-2019). -------------------------------------- PROCEEDINGS & SPECIAL ISSUES -------------------------------------- All accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and Engineering Index (EI). Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered for publication in the following special issues of the journals. (confirmed) 1.Information Fusion (IF: 13.669) SI on Fusion from Big Data to Smart Data 2. Information Fusion (IF: 13.669) SI on Data Fusion for Trust Evaluation 3. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 9.112) SI on Digital Twinning: Integration AI-ML and Big Data Analytics for Virtual Representation 4. Future Generation Computer Systems (IF: 6.125) SI on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Defence and Smart Policing 5. Digital Communications and Networks (IF: 5.382) SI on Blockchain-enabled Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems and Big Data Applications 6. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (IF: 5.213) SI on Computing and Networking for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems 7. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatics Sinica (IF: 5.129) SI on Blockchain for Internet-of-Things and Cyber-Physical Systems: Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges 8. Neurocomputing (IF: 4.438) SI on Edge Intelligence: Neurocomputing Meets Edge Computing 9. Journal of Cloud Computing (IF: 2.788) SI on Security and Privacy Issues for AI in Edge-Cloud Computing 10. Journal of Systems Architecture (IF: 2.552) SI on Ubiquitous Edge Computing for Next Generation IoT and 6G: Architecture, Modelling and Systems 11. Journal of Systems Architecture (IF: 2.552) SI on High-Performance-Computing-Communications for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems 12. MDPI Electronics (IF: 2.412) SI on Blockchain-based Technology for Mobile Application 13. Software: Practice and Experience (IF: 1.786) SI on Software and Hardware Co-Design for Sustainable Cyber-Physical Systems *More special issues will be added later. ---------------------------------------------------- Topics of interest include, but are not limited to ---------------------------------------------------- Track 1: Data Science Foundational theories and models Data classification and taxonomy Data metrics and metrology Machine learning and deep learning Data provenance Security, privacy and trust in data Track 2: Data Processing Technology Data sensing, fusion and mining Data representation and processing Knowledge discovery Information visualization Meta-data management Remote data access Track 3: Data Systems Storage and file systems High performance access toolkits Compiler and runtime support Real-time data intensive systems Multi/many-core platforms Big data and cloud computing Track 4: Data Applications Business and finance applications Industrial data applications Healthcare and medical services Applications in soil and water HPC systems for data applications Future data applications -------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES -------------------------- Regular/Workshop/Special Session/Work-in-Progress/Poster/Demo Papers: Submission Deadline (Extended): 25 September, 2020 Acceptance Notification (Extended): 25 October, 2020 Camera-ready Manuscript Due (Extended): 15 November, 2020 Virtual Conference: 14-16 December, 2020 ------------------------------ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ------------------------------ All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission website https://edas.info/N27664 with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts). For further information, please visit our website: http://cse.stfx.ca/~dss/2020/. DSS-2020 General Chairs Michael Sheng, Macquarie University, Australia Girija Chetty, University of Canberra, Australia Xiaowen Chu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong DSS-2020 Program Chairs Gunasekaran Manogaran, University of California, Davis, USA Francesco Piccialli, University of Naples FEDERICO II, Italy Yaliang Zhao, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada & Henan University, China Email: ylzhao@stfx.ca |