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GLCommit 2020 : GitLab Commit 2020


When Aug 26, 2020 - Aug 26, 2020
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2020
Categories    gl how-tos, tips, and tricks   leading transformation   cloud native devops   devsecops

Call For Papers

GitLab Commit brings together the GitLab community to connect, learn, and inspire. You’ll hear about exciting new technologies and discover how creators like you are innovating the future of software development. We're excited to announce that our summer 2020 Commit conference will be fully virtual! Save the date for Wednesday, August 26, 2020 to join us for Virtual GitLab Commit.

As a fully remote organization, our inaugural virtual Commit event will be particularly exciting, especially given our changing work landscape.

We invite you to apply to speak at GitLab Commit and share your software journey. Whether you’ve managed a culture change, discovered the ultimate DevOps hack or cut your release time in half, we’d love to have you share your story at Commit. The “call for proposals” (CFP) window is open now. At GitLab we believe everyone can contribute. Now is your chance! The CFP closes 11:59 pm PDT on Monday, June 1.

Tracks to submit for include:
- GitLab How-tos, Tips, and Tricks
- Leading Transformation
- Cloud Native DevOps
- DevSecOps
- Everyone Can Contribute
- Remote, But Always Connected

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