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APL 2024 : Advances in Programming Languages (APL) Thematic Track at the 19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2024)


When Sep 8, 2024 - Sep 11, 2024
Where Belgrade, Serbia
Submission Deadline May 28, 2024
Notification Due Jun 18, 2024
Final Version Due Jul 9, 2024
Categories    programming languages   software engineering   domain-specific languages   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers


Advances in Programming Languages Thematic Track (APL 2024)

Organized in the 19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2024)
(FedCSIS IEEE conference number: #61123)

Belgrade, Serbia, 8–11 September, 2024



Programming languages are programmers' most basic tools. With appropriate programming languages one can drastically reduce the cost of building new applications as well as maintaining existing ones. In the last decades there have been many advances in programming languages technology in traditional programming paradigms such as functional, logic, and object-oriented programming, as well as the development of new paradigms such as aspect-oriented programming and intermittent programming. Moreover, today the direct effects and contributions of artificial intelligence to programming paradigms and the development of software systems are also increasing. The methods and approaches for choosing, adapting and evaluating AI techniques on programming language design and implementation has become one of the important research tracks. Within this context, new advances in programming languages research also contributes to the design and implementation of autonomous and intelligent systems (e.g. under the umbrella of agent-oriented programming). The main driving force was and will be to better express programmers' ideas. Therefore, research in programming languages is an endless activity and the core of computer science. New language features, new programming paradigms, and better compile-time and run-time mechanisms can be foreseen in the future.

The aims of this Thematic Track is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experience in topics concerned with programming languages and systems. Original papers and implementation reports are invited in all areas of programming languages.

Major topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

* AI planning and techniques to programming language design
* AI-supported programming
* Automata theory and applications
* Compiling techniques
* Context-oriented programming languages to specify the behavior of software systems and dynamic adaptations
* Domain-specific languages
* Formal semantics and syntax
* Generative and generic programming
* Grammarware and grammar based systems
* Interplay between languages and machine learning (and other branches of AI), especially for Code Repair and Code Smells
* Interplay between languages and security
* Knowledge engineering languages, integration of knowledge engineering and software engineering
* Languages and tools for trustworthy computing
* Language concepts, design and implementation
* Language engineering and applications in various problem domains
* Language theory and applications
* Markup languages
* Metamodeling and modeling languages
* Model-driven engineering languages and systems
* Practical experiences with programming languages
* Program analysis, optimization and verification
* Program generation and transformation
* Programming paradigms (agent-oriented, aspect-oriented, functional, logic, object-oriented, etc.)
* Programming tools and environments
* Proof theory for programs
* Software language engineering
* Specification languages
* Type systems
* Virtual machines and just-in-time compilation
* Visual programming languages

There is a possibility of selecting extended versions of the best papers presented during the conference for further procedure in the journals: ComSIS, ISI IF(2022) = 1.4, and COLA, ISI IF(2022) = 2.2.


Paper submission (sharp / no extension): May 28, 2024
Position paper submission: June 2, 2024
Author notification: June 18, 2024
Final paper submission and registration: July 9, 2024
Conference date: September 8-11, 2024


To see the submission instructions, please visit:

* Geylani Kardas, Ege University International Computer Institute, Turkiye
* Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia
* Pedro Rangel Henriques, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
* Bostjan Slivnik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
* Ivan Lukovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
* Jan Janousek, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
* Maria Joao Varanda Pereira, Instituto Politecnico de Braganca, Portugal

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