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MAGELLANELCANO 2020 : International Conference Beyond Myth and Epic. The Basque Country and the Magellan-Elcano Expedition in the Context of the First Globalization


When Oct 7, 2020 - Oct 10, 2020
Where Spain - Donostia-San Sebastian
Abstract Registration Due Jun 15, 2020
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2020
Categories    history   asian studies   latin american studies   early modern history

Call For Papers

Poster proposals have to be submitted to For that purpose, must be sent two PDF files: one of the have to include the title and the development of proposal, along with the author’s data (name, surname, professional information, contact); the other one have to include the same information, except author’s information. Proposals should be examined by peer review, who will decide its acceptation o exclusion. Only would be accepted 4 posters per session. Posters’ length could not exceed 80 x 120 centimetres, with portrait orientation. The poster could not have more than 750 words (without taking into account references) in order to be read in just 5 minutes.

The posters have to be presented and discussed in Basque, Spanish or English during the afternoon sessions of each five meetings, during the coffee break (10,15-11,00 / 17,15-18,00). Each of 4 chosen posters would have 5 minutes to be presented and 20 minutes to be discussed collectively. Posters presented and discussed during the congress would be rewarded with the option of taking part in the collective publication that will be published, through a long paper and after being reviewed by peer review.

The contents of the poster must include a short headline, and introduction (including the hypothesis), a reflexion about sources and methodology used, the main results, the conclusions and references.

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