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IEEE ICCWS 2020 : IEEE International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security


When Mar 31, 2020 - Apr 2, 2020
Where Islamabad
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2020
Notification Due Mar 10, 2020
Final Version Due Mar 22, 2020
Categories    networks security   information security   infrastructure security   h/w and/or s/w security

Call For Papers

IEEE International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security

Scope and Topics:

Cyber Security is a rapidly growing global challenge with new sophisticated zero-day attacks costing economies billion of dollars annually. Cyber attacks may particularly affect the developed world, but developing countries are also at higher risk due to the lack of expertise and shortage of security professionals with adequate skills and experience to effectively combat the rising threats. Keeping this perspective, National Centre for Cyber Security (NCCS) Pakistan is organizing its first annual conference titled: “IEEE International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS-2020)” to be held from 31st March to 2nd April, 2020, technically sponsored by IEEE.

ICCWS-2020 aims to provide a platform to researchers around the World to share contemporary research and experiences related to emerging areas of cyber security. The conference will include high-quality and focused technical program on cyber security with keynotes and invited talks from prominent industry and academia experts. It will also feature an attractive Lab-to-Market event to showcase research, industrial exhibitions and cyber security ideas competition aimed at industry practitioners, vendors, ambitious students, and local start-up companies.

Submissions are solicited in the following topics and related areas:

• Networks and infrastructure security
• Hardware and systems security
• Operating systems and software security
• Embedded systems, IoT and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) security
• Web, Big data and Cloud security
• Edge/Fog computing and data centre security
• Information security and data provenance
• Cyber warfare
• Information assurance
• Cryptology, cryptanalysis and security analysis of cryptographic primitives and protocols
• Prevention, detection and investigation of APTs, Botnets, DDoS and other cyber attacks
• Anti-malware techniques: detection, analysis, and prevention
• Security and privacy of systems based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial Intelligence aided security and privacy concerns
• (Adversarial) Machine learning and cyber deception
• (Anti-) Reverse engineering, side channels and physical attacks
• Protection of Digital Services
• Digital forensics, social media, networks, computer and mobile forensics
• Automated security analysis of protocols, source code and binaries
• Measurements and monitoring of human behaviour in cyberspace
• Security, Privacy, and Trust in Digital Payments and Crypto-currencies
• Security and privacy issues in Blockchain
• Security, privacy and resilience in critical infrastructures
• Testing, auditing and evaluation of security architectures and models
• 5G Security issues and architectural requirements with privacy considerations
• Energy efficient security in IoT and CPS
• Security for future Internet architectures and designs
• Authentication, Identification, Authorization and Biometrics
• Cybercrime Defense (anti-phishing, anti-blackmailing, anti-fraud, etc.) techniques
• Legal Aspects of Cyber Security (Cyber Laws and Regulations)

Paper Submissions:
The Call for Papers of the conference can also be accessed at:

Research papers can be submitted at:

For queries please visit conference website: or contact at:

Conference Organizing Chair: Professor Kashif Kifayat
Technical Program Chair: Dr. Haider Abbas
Organizer: National Centre for Cyber Security, Pakistan

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