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BCS HCI 2020 : The International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference


When Jul 6, 2020 - Jul 10, 2020
Where Keele University, UK
Submission Deadline Mar 2, 2020
Notification Due Apr 24, 2020
Final Version Due May 8, 2020
Categories    user experience   education and health   interaction technologies   smart energy & transport

Call For Papers

33rd International BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference
6th-10th July 2020 at Keele University, Staffordshire, UK

Doctoral Symposium | Hackathon | Industry Day | Workshops
Keynotes | Presentations | Posters | Events | Interaction Gallery

All accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Extended versions of best papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of the Interacting with Computers Journal

Workshop and industry day proposals deadline: 17th January 2020
Workshop and industry day proposals notification and feedback: 31st January 2020

Paper notification and feedback: 24th April 2020

Proposals for Workshops and Industry Day Presentations
Proposals for workshops, tutorials/masterclasses and industry day presentations are invited by email to with a proposed title and a 200-300 word outline. Proposals deadline is 17th January 2020. Details available at:

Paper Submissions
Full paper and short paper submissions are invited to accompany presentations, posters and interaction gallery exhibits. Details are available at:

The 2020 conference theme is “Future Interaction”- highlighting future interactive challenges and opportunities for future sustainability, future education and future health. The conference accepts submissions related to, but not necessarily limited to, the following topics:

User Experience, Usability Testing and Interaction Design
* Mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing
* User-centred design tools and methods
* Affective computing, digital empathy, empathic design and emotional HCI
* Human-data interaction and interactive machine learning
* Interaction and design for accessibility
* Visual analytics, information presentation and visualisation
* Ethnographic studies in human computer interaction

Education and Health
* eHealth, digital healthcare studies and usability of medical devices
* Assistive technology
* Interaction in education
* Usability and design of eLearning, educational tools and platforms
* Child-computer interaction studies

Smart Energy, Smart Transport and the Internet of Things
* Sustainability and smart energy
* Interacting with self-driving vehicles and smart transport systems
* Interactive Internet of Things

Interaction Technologies and Applications
* Virtual and augmented reality
* Interfaces for sound, audio and music
* Eye tracking and psycho-physiological studies
* Computer-supported cooperative work
* Human-robot interaction
* Wearable technologies
* Interface and interaction design for games/gaming

Security, Trust, Ethics and AI
* Cybersecurity and usable security
* Applications and issues in interacting with AI interaction
* Design for inclusivity
* Technology adoption, trust, user engagement and retention
* Ethical issues in computing and interactive technologies
* Cyberpsychology and web science
* Human/use error and reliability of interactive systems

Natural, Social and Personalised Interaction
* Natural user interfaces such as gesture controlled interfaces
* Humanization of interactive technology
* Cognitive science in human-computer interaction
* Intelligent, adaptive and personalised user interfaces
* Creative interaction and collaborative creativity
* Conversational and natural language user interfaces and chatbots
* Social interaction and online social media

Conference Chair: Sandra I. Woolley, Programme Chair: Ed de Quincey, Papers Chair: Goksel Misirli

Contact email:

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