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ISCA 2012 : THE 39th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTUREConference Series : International Symposium on Computer Architecture | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://isca2012.ittc.ku.edu | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
THE 39th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (ISCA-39) http://isca2012.ittc.ku.edu Portland, OR, USA June 9-13, 2012 Sponsored by ACM SIGARCH and IEEE TCCA IMPORTANT DATES Abstract Deadline: November 14th, 2011, 11:59PM CST Final Paper Deadline: November 21st, 2011, 11:59PM CST Workshop/Tutorial Proposals: December 16th, 2011 Rebuttal Period: February 10th-13th, 2012 Author Notification: March 5th, 2012 The International Symposium on Computer Architecture is the premier forum for new ideas and experimental results in computer architecture. Novel papers are solicited on a broad range of topics, including (but not limited to): * Processor, memory, and storage systems architecture * Parallel and multi-core systems * Interconnection networks * Instruction, thread, and data-level parallelism * Dependable architectures * Architectural support for programming productivity * Architectures for security and virtualization * Power and energy efficient architectures * Application specific, reconfigurable, and embedded architectures * Network processor and router architectures * Architectures for emerging technologies and applications * Effect of circuits and technology on architecture * Architecture modeling and simulation methodology * Performance evaluation and measurement of real systems * Data-center scale computing * Handheld and mobile devices ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE General Chair * Shih-Lien Lu, Intel Program Chair * Josep Torrellas, Univ. of Illinois Local Arrangements Chair * Mark Faust, Portland State Univ. Workshops Chair * Alaa Alameldeen, Intel Tutorials Chair * Benjamin Lee, Duke Univ. Finance Chair * Mattan Erez, Univ. of Texas Publications Chair * Zeshan Chishti, Intel Publicity Chair * Hyesoon Kim, Georgia Tech Web Chair * Xin Fu, Univ. of Kansas Submissions Chair * Wonsun Ahn, Univ. of Illinois Registration Chair * Ed Suh, Cornell Univ. Student Travel Award Chair * Hsien-Hsin Lee, Georgia Tech Industrial Liaison Chairs * Luis Ceze, Univ. of Washington * Aamer Jaleel, Intel Program Committee * Sarita Adve, Univ. of Illinois * David Albonesi, Cornell Univ. * Rajeev Balasubramonian, Univ. of Utah * Ricardo Bianchini, Rutgers Univ. * Pradip Bose, IBM * David Brooks, Harvard Univ. * Doug Burger, Microsoft * Doug Carmean, Intel * John Carter, IBM * Tom Conte, Georgia Tech * Chita Das, Pennsylvania State Univ. * Pradeep Dubey, Intel * Michel Dubois, Univ. of Southern California * Lieven Eeckhout, Ghent Univ. * Babak Falsafi, EPFL * Jose Flich, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia * Antonio Gonzalez, Intel and UPC * Rajiv Gupta, Univ. of California, Riverside * Kim Hazelwood, Univ. of Virginia & Google * Mark Hill, Univ. of Wisconsin * Lizy John, Univ. of Texas * David Kaeli, Northeastern Univ. * Nam Sung Kim, Univ. of Wisconsin * Hsien-Hsin Lee, Georgia Tech * Ruby Lee, Princeton Univ. * Kai Li, Princeton Univ. * Mikko Lipasti, Univ. of Wisconsin * Scott Mahlke, Univ. of Michigan * Milo Martin, Univ. of Pennsylvania * Jose Martinez, Cornell Univ. * Margaret Martonosi, Princeton Univ. * Gokhan Memik, Northwestern Univ. * Trevor Mudge, Univ. of Michigan * Satish Narayanasamy, Univ. of Michigan * Kunle Olukotun, Stanford Univ. * Timothy Pinkston, Univ. Southern California * Moinuddin Qureshi, Georgia Tech * Jose Renau, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz * Andre Seznec, INRIA and IRISA * Timothy Sherwood, UC Santa Barbara * Anand Sivasubramaniam, PSU * Yan Solihin, North Carolina State Univ. * Per Stenstrom, Chalmers Univ. of Tech. * Olivier Temam, INRIA * James Tuck, North Carolina State Univ. * Dean Tullsen, UC San Diego * Xavier Vera, Intel * Yuan Xie, Pennsylvania State Univ. * Uri Weiser, Technion Steering Committee * Doug Burger, Microsoft * Joel Emer, Intel * Antonio Gonzalez, Intel and UPC * Ravi Iyer, Intel * David Kaeli, Northeastern Univ. * Yale Patt, Univ. of Texas * Ronny Ronen, Intel * Andre Seznec, INRIA and IRISA * Wen-Hann Wang, Intel * Uri Weiser, Technion * Qing Yang, Univ. of Rhode Island |