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SLAECE at ICIW 2009 : SLAECE at ICIW 2009 || Venice-Italy, May 24-28, 2009


When May 24, 2009 - May 28, 2009
Where Venice-Italy
Submission Deadline Dec 20, 2008
Categories    computer science   information systems

Call For Papers

========= Call for Papers, SLAECE 2009 ==========

The second event on "Social and Legal Aspects Under Emerging Computing
Environments", SLAECE 2009, will be held within the The Fourth
International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services,
ICIW 2009, in Venice, Italy, on May 24-28.

General site:

Submission details:

SLAECE 2009 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and on-line via IEEE XPlore Digital Library together with ICIW 2009. IEEE will index the papers with major indexes. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to one of the IARIA


Submission deadline: December 20, 2008

Topics of legal and social aspects of information systems include but are not limited to:

Principles, theories, and challenges of legal and social aspects
Strategies, modeling, and requirements engineering of legal and social aspects
Architectures, implementations, and deployment consideration of legal and social aspects
Cyber threats, emerging risks, systemic concerns, and emergency preparedness
Social computing and lifestyle computing
Service marketing and customer relationship management
Market structures and emerging business models
Emerging legal issues due to new computing environment
File / information sharing networks and user behavior
Knowledge modeling, management, and application
Negotiation and contracting as well as contract monitoring and enforcement
E-democracy, e-policy, and governance
Legal and social ontologies Privacy and copyright in collaborative environments and social networks
Intellectual property rights
Trust, security, and privacy
Counterfeit forensic
Identity management and access control
Security and privacy in location-based services

We welcome technical papers presenting research, practical results and
case studies, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific
proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in
industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and
solutions on any of the topics of interest, short papers on work in
progress, and panel proposals.

The topics can be discussed in term of
concepts, state of the art, standards, implementations, running
experiments and applications. Authors are invited to submit complete
unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference
or journal in the following, but not limited topic areas.

Industrial presentations and legal case studies are not subject to these
constraints. We expect short and long presentations that express
industrial/legal position and status.

The age of information and communication has revolutionized the way
companies do business, especially in providing competitive and
innovative services. Business processes not only integrates departments
and subsidiaries of enterprises but also are extended across
organizations and to interact with governments.

On the other hand, wireless technologies and peer-to-peer networks
enable ubiquitous access to services and information systems with
scalability. This results in the removal of barriers of market expansion
and new business opportunities as well as threats. In this new global
and ubiquitous environment, it is of increasing importance to consider
legal and social aspects in business activities and information systems
that will provide some level of certainty.

There is a broad spectrum of vertical domains where legal and social
issues influence the design and development of information systems, such
as web personalization and protection of users privacy in service
provision, intellectual property rights protection when designing and
implementing virtual works and multiplayer digital games, copyright
protection in collaborative environments, automation of contracting and
contract monitoring on the web, protection of privacy in location-based
computing, etc.

The purpose of this conference is to bring together computer science
researchers, engineers, policy makers and practitioners working at the
state of the art on information and related fields such as legal domain,
social sciences, and marketing. This event will also outline the major
challenges and future perspectives on incorporating legal and social
aspects at the design, deployment, evaluation of information systems
under emerging computing environments, such as, but not limited to, (i)
service-oriented architecture (SOA) and service computing, (ii) Mobile,
pervasive, and ubiquitous computing, (iii) Web security and privacy,
(iv) Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, (v) Agent and autonomous
computing, (vi) Grid computing, (vi) Virtual communities, or (vii)
Inter-, intra-organizational integration.

Topics of legal and social aspects of information systems include but are not limited to:

Principles, theories, and challenges of legal and social aspects
Strategies, modeling, and requirements engineering of legal and social aspects
Architectures, implementations, and deployment consideration of legal and social aspects
Cyber threats, emerging risks, systemic concerns, and emergency preparedness
Social computing and lifestyle computing
Service marketing and customer relationship management
Market structures and emerging business models
Emerging legal issues due to new computing environment
File / information sharing networks and user behavior
Knowledge modeling, management, and application
Negotiation and contracting as well as contract monitoring and enforcement
E-democracy, e-policy, and governance
Legal and social ontologies Privacy and copyright in collaborative environments and social networks
Intellectual property rights
Trust, security, and privacy
Counterfeit forensic
Identity management and access control
Security and privacy in location-based services


Dickson K.W. Chiu, Dickson Computer Systems, Hong Kong
Eleanna Kafeza, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Irena Kafeza, Kafeza Law Office, Greece
Hideyasu Sasaki, Ritsumeikan University - Kyoto, Japan / New York State Bar, NY, USA

Committee members
Grigore Albeanu, Spiru Haret University - Bucharest, Romania / Danish
Technical University, The Netherlands
Dickson K.W. Chiu, Dickson Computer Systems, Hong Kong
Luis Borges Gouveia, Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Porto, Portugal
Christophe Gravier, University Jean Monnet -Saint-Etienne, France
Edward Hung, Honk Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Eleanna Kafeza, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Irene Kafeza, Kafeza Law Office, Greece
Thomas Y Kwok, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Ho-fung Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Huiye Ma, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ulrich Norbisrath, University of Tartu, Estonia
Hideyasu Sasaki, Ritsumeikan University - Kyoto, Japan / New York State Bar, NY, USA
Konstantina Zerva, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Looking for your contributions,

SLAECE Chairs:
Dickson K.W. Chiu, Dickson Computer Systems, Hong Kong
Eleanna Kafeza, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Irena Kafeza, Kafeza Law Office, Greece
Hideyasu Sasaki, Ritsumeikan University - Kyoto, Japan / New York State Bar, NY, USA

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