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PRACSYS 2010 : The first Pacific Rim workshop on Agent-based modeling and simulation of Complex Systems


When Nov 12, 2010 - Nov 12, 2010
Where Kolkata, India
Submission Deadline Sep 19, 2010
Notification Due Oct 3, 2010
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2010
Categories    artificial intelligence   simulation   multi-agent systems   complex systems

Call For Papers

There is an increasing interest in Agent-based Modeling (ABM) as a new paradigm to study complex systems. A complex system is classically defined as a "system of "simpler" parts that undergo multiple, iterative interactions, influenced additionally by interactions with the system's own environment". Most of the "real" systems studied in the social, economical, ecological or biological scientific domains fall into that category. In these domains, when there is a need, for prediction, decision-aid or theory-building purposes, to understand the dynamics of such a system, there is however still a strong tendency to rely on the classic strategy that consists in partitioning it and supposing the dynamics and interactions of its parts are linear or approximately linear. However, this strategy has clear limits and more and more studies claim that the thorough understanding of complex systems requires that modeling approaches offer ways of accounting for their "necessary complexity". By "necessary complexity", we mean the ability to maintain, in a model, some characteristics of the target system (such as emergent properties, multi-scale interactions, heterogeneity, etc) that can be essential in evaluating a decision or making predictions. In that respect, agent-based approaches to the modeling of complex systems promise to become one of the most pervasive techniques in the next years.

The aim of this workshop is to be a forum of discussion about these subjects, and we invite everyone developing and applying agent-based techniques to submit original papers. The workshop topics of interest include applications of agent-based modeling, but also basic research reports on the following themes:

* Multiple scales, multiple models agent-based simulations;
* Time and space representation;
* Learning techniques for agent-based model design;
* Participatory, collaborative modeling and simulation;
* Agent-based simulation platforms and languages;
* Agent based meta-modeling, domain specific languages.

* Alexis Drogoul, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, UPMC, MSI-IFI, Hanoi, Vietnam,;
* Benoit Gaudou, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, MSI-IFI, Hanoi, Vietnam,;
* Patrick Taillandier, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, MSI-IFI, Hanoi, Vietnam,;
* Jean Daniel Zucker, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, Bondy, France,;

* Carole Adam, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia;
* Edouard Amouroux, UMI 209 UMMISCO, IRD, MSI-IFI, Hanoi, Vietnam;
* Shu-Heng Chen, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan;
* Claude Garcia, Institut Français de Pondichéry & CIRAD, Pondichéry, India;
* Hiromitsu Hattori, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan;
* Ho Tuong Vinh, UMI UMMISCO, IRD, IFI, Hanoi, Vietnam;
* Nicolas Marilleau, UMI UMMISCO, IRD, Bondy, France;
* Yuu Nakajima, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan;
* Itsuki Noda, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan;
* The Duy Bui, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam;
* Sarah Hickmott, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia;
* Serge Stinckwich, UMI UMMISCO, IRD, Hanoi, Vietnam;
* Sung-Bae Cho, Dept. Of Computer Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea;

Authors must submit their propositions before September 19th, 2010, in pdf format, through the EasyChair url:

Each paper will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. Submissions should be 16 pages in length, including figures and references. Papers must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format:

Proceedings are likely to be published by Springer. An in-principle agreement has been obtained from Springer for an LNCS/LNAI post-proceedings.

* Due date for full workshop papers submission: September 19th, 2010;
* Workshop paper acceptance notification: October 3rd, 2010;
* Camera-ready papers due: October 10th, 2010;
* Early registration deadline: September 27th, 2010;
* Registration deadline: November 1st, 2010;
* Workshop date: November 12th, 2010.

For futher information, you can contact the organizing committee at

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