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Breaking Convention 2019 : Breaking Convention 2019: 5th International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness


When Aug 16, 2019 - Aug 18, 2019
Where University of Greenwich, London
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2019
Categories    medicine   psychiatry   anthropology   philosophy

Call For Papers

The 5th International Conference on Psychedelic Research

University of Greenwich, London
16 – 18 August, 2019

Closing date: 31 March, 2019

Europe’s largest conference on psychedelic research is being held at the University of Greenwich, 16 – 18 August. We invite researchers at all levels of training to submit a paper at the following address: The conference is interdisciplinary and typically features theoretical and experimental papers from the fields of medical science, physical science, social sciences, ecological science, mathematics, arts and humanities. We host 60 invited speakers and a further 120 speakers from submitted abstracts.

Your abstract must be between 100-400 words and must clearly and concisely describe the proposed remit of your talk. Research submissions are preferred, although data may be either qualitative or quantitative. Non-research submissions will also be considered. Along with your abstract you must attach a short biography (approx. 200 words) and, where applicable, a list of relevant publications. Please also state your current country of residence.

-Reimbursement and subsidy
Those whose submissions are accepted will receive subsidised registration to Breaking Convention. Unfortunately, we are not able to subsidise expenses for submitted speakers, and the discount is limited to one ticket per speaker. Breaking Convention tries very hard to keep its ticket prices as low as possible, and consequently we are only able to provide financial help to our invited speakers.

-Acceptance criteria
Submissions will be judged by a panel of expert reviewers and selected based on originality, relevance and credibility.

The abstract must clearly describe the proposed talk and, where relevant, the source of data.
Applicants may be from any background, with no minimum education levels, although they are expected to demonstrate expertise in their area of interest. This must be summarised in the biography.

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