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WIVACE 2019 : XIV International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation


When Sep 18, 2019 - Sep 20, 2019
Where Rende (Cosenza), Italy
Submission Deadline Jul 5, 2019
Categories    artificial life   evolutionary computation   complex smart systems

Call For Papers

[Apologies for multiple posting]


XIV International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation


XIV International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation
Rende (CS), Italy
September 18-20, 2019

Web site:

The International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation aims
at bringing together researchers working in Artificial Life and Evolutionary
Computation to present and share their research in a multidisciplinary context.
The workshop provides a forum for the discussion of new research directions and
applications in these fields, where different disciplines could effectively
meet. It was first held in 2007 in Sampieri (Ragusa), as the incorporation of
two previously separately running workshops (WIVA and GSICE). After the success
of the first edition, the workshop was organized in the following years in
Venice (2008), Naples (2009), Parma (2012), Milan (2013), Vietri (2014), Bari
(2015), Salerno (2016), Venice (2017) and Parma (2018).

This year WIVACE will host a Special Session on Cognitive Systems and

Interested authors are invited to contribute papers on theory and applications
of Artificial Life, Evolutionary Computation, and complex smart systems.

Contributions solicited cover a variety of topics including but not limited to:
* Bioinspired Algorithms
* Bioinspired Robotics
* Coevolution and Collective Behavior
* Complex Systems
* Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
* Evolutionary Computation
* Evolutionary Approaches to Big Data and Big Data StreamsData Streams
* Evolutionary Learning Systems
* Evolutionary Agents
* Modeling and Simulation of Artificial and Biological Systemsological Systems
* Modeling and Simulation of Social and Economical Systemsical Systems
* Modeling of Business Intelligence Systems
* Neural Computers
* Neuroevolution: Improving Deep Learning with Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary Computation
* Self-organizing Cyber-Physical Systems
* Socio-inspired Swarm Intelligence Algorithms
* Synthetic and Systems Biology
* Systems Chemistry
* Theories and Applications of Artificial Life

Special Session on Cognitive Systems and Applications
We are crossing a new frontier in the evolution of computing and entering the
era of cognitive systems. Whereas in the programmable era computers essentially
process a series of "if-then-else" formulas, cognitive systems learn, adapt,
and ultimately hypothesize and suggest answers. Cognitive systems promise to
tackle complexity and assist people and organizations in making decisions. By
exploiting the advancements on big data, cloud computing, IoT, machine
(deep)learning, and AI, cognitive computing systems are now used to gain
knowledge from data as experience and then generalize what they have learned in
new situations. The possible uses of cognitive computing span within diverse
areas: healthcare, energy, retail, smart machines, smart cities, environmental
modeling, education, banking, food science & agriculture, climate change, etc.
The workshop provides a platform for academicians and researchers to present
papers addressing fundamental and practical issues in cognitive computing.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Learning in cognitive systems
* Cognitive modeling
* Cognitive analytics
* Bio-inspired Computing
* Evolutionary Computing
* Big data-driven cognitive computing
* Cognitive Internet of Things (IoT)
* Cognitive vehicles
* Cognitive (smart) cameras
* Cognitive robots
* Cognitive assistants
* Decision Support Systems
* Infrastructures, frameworks, libraries, and APIs for cognitive systems
* Information extraction and knowledge representation in cognitive systems
* Neuromorphic processors and architectures
* Question Answering Systems


All submissions must be made electronically, by 5 July 2019 (extended
deadline), through the online submission system EasyChair at this link:
Contributions may be submitted in one of the following forms:

1. Full research papers (up to 12 pages).
2. Simple Abstracts (1-4 pages).

Full research papers should present original unpublished work. Simple abstracts
should describe original work in progress or a summary of a full paper.

The submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program
committee. The authors of accepted papers or abstracts will have to improve
their paper on the basis of reviewers’ comments and will be asked to send a
camera ready version of their manuscripts. At least one author of each accepted
work has to register for the conference, attend the conference and present his

Accepted full research papers and abstracts describing unpublished work will be
published in a post-conference proceedings volume by Springer in their
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. The series is
abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews,
SCImago, Scopus.

Accepted abstracts describing unpublished work will be considered for
publication of extended versions (up to 12 pages) in the same volume.

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings
templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers.
Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In
addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of
the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form.
The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the
corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to
Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.

Selected articles will be invited to submit a manuscript to the Special Issue
"Artificial Cognitive and Evolutionary Systems" of the MDPI Algorithms Journal.

* Abstract/paper submission deadline: 5th July 2019 (EXTENDED)
* Notification of acceptance: 15th July 2019
* Early Registration: 29th July 2019


* Clara Pizzuti (ICAR - National Research Council of Italy) -
* Giandomenico Spezzano (ICAR - National Research Council of Italy) -

* Franco Cicirelli (ICAR- National Research Council of Italy) -
* Antonio Guerrieri (ICAR- National Research Council of Italy) -
* Annalisa Socievole (ICAR- National Research Council of Italy) - annalisa.socievole@
* Andrea Vinci (ICAR- National Research Council of Italy) -

Program Committee
* Michele Amoretti (University of Parma)
* Marco Baioletti (University of Perugia)
* Vito Antonio Bevilacqua (Politecnico di Bari)
* Leonardo Bich (Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU))
* Leonardo Bocchi (University of Florence)
* Michele Braccini (University of Bologna)
* Marcello Antonio Budroni (University of Sassari)
* Stefano Cagnoni (University of Parma)
* Angelo Cangelosi (University of Plymouth)
* Giulio Caravagna (Università di Milano Bicocca)
* Timoteo Carletti (University of Namur)
* Antonio Chella (University of Palermo)
* Antonio Della Cioppa (University of Salerno)
* Francesco Fontanella (Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale)
* Mario Giacobini (University of Turin)
* Alex Graudenzi (University of Milan "Bicocca")
* Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento)
* Francesco Masulli (University of Genoa)
* Giancarlo Mauri (University of Milan "Bicocca")
* Orazio Miglino (University of Napoli "Federico II")
* Marco Mirolli (ISTC-CNR)
* Sara Montagna (University of Bologna)
* Monica Mordonini (University of Parma
* Stefano Nolfi (ICST-CNR)
* Pietro Pantano (University of Calabria)
* Mario Pavone (University of Catania)
* Riccardo Pecori (eCampus University)
* Riccardo Righi (European Commission, Joint research Center)
* Andrea Roli (University of Bologna)
* Federico Rossi (University of Salerno)
* Laura Sani (University of Parma)
* Roberto Serra (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
* Debora Slanzi (European Centre for Living Technology)
* Pasquale Stano (University of Salento)
* Pietro Terna (University of Torino)
* Andrea Tettamanzi (University of Nice)
* Michele Tomaiuolo (University of Parma)
* Marco Villani (Univer Of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Special Session Chairs
* Giandomenico Spezzano (ICAR-CNR, Italy)
* Edoardo Serra (Boise State University, USA)

Special Session Program Committee
* Eleonora Bilotta (University of Calabria, Italy)
* Antonio Chella (University of Palermo, Italy)
* Maria Pia Fanti (Politecnico di Bari)
* Salvatore Gaglio (University of Palermo, Italy)
* Luigi Gallo (ICAR-CNR, Italy)
* Gianluigi Greco (University of Calabria, Italy)
* Ignazio Infantino (ICAR-CNR, Italy)
* Antonio Liotta (University of Derby, UK)
* Decebal Mocanu ( Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
* Luigi Palopoli (University of Calabria)
* Yulia Sandamirskaya (Institute of Neuroinformatics Neuroscience Center
Zurich University and ETH Zurich Winterthurerstr)
* Yaroslav D. Sergeyev (University of Calabria, Italy)

For further information, please send an email at

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