An international forum for current work on data compression and related applications. The conference addresses not only compression methods for specific types of data (text, images, video, audio, medical, scientific, space, graphics, web content, etc.), but also the use of techniques from information theory and data compression in networking, communications, and storage applications involving large data sets, (including image and information mining, retrieval, archiving, backup, communications, and HCI). Both theoretical and experimental work are of interest. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Lossless and lossy compression algorithms for specific types of data (text, images, multi-spectral and hyper-spectral images, palette images, video, speech, music, maps, instrument and sensor data, space data, earth observation data, graphics, 3D representations, animation, bit-maps, etc.), source coding, text compression, joint source-channel coding, multiple description coding, quantization theory, vector quantization (VQ), multiple description VQ, compression algorithms that employ transforms (including DCT and wavelet transforms), bi-level image compression, gray scale and color image compression, video compression, movie compression, geometry compression, speech and audio compression, compression of multi-spectral and hyper-spectral data, compression of science, weather, and space data, source coding in multiple access networks, parallel compression algorithms and hardware, fractal based compression methods, error resilient compression, adaptive compression algorithms, string searching and manipulation used in compression applications, closest-match retrieval in compression applications, browsing and searching compressed data, content based retrieval employing compression methods, minimal length encoding and applications to learning, system issues relating to data compression (including error control, data security, indexing, and browsing), medical imagery storage and transmission, compression of web graphs and related data structures, compression applications and issues for computational biology, compression applications and issues for the internet, compression applications and issues for mobile computing, applications of compression to file distribution and software updates, applications of compression to files storage and backup systems, applications of compression to data mining, applications of compression to information retrieval, applications of compression to image retrieval, applications of compression and information theory to human-computer interaction (HCI), data compression standards including the JPEG, JPEG2000, MPEG (MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MPEG7, etc.),, and families.