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ICMS 2019 : International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science


When Jul 19, 2019 - Jul 22, 2019
Where Osaka, Japan
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2019
Notification Due May 15, 2019
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2019
Categories    innovative computing (ic)   management science (ms)   artificial intelligent   deep learning

Call For Papers

Data Science or data-driven science has recently attracted considerable attention. With advances in information technology and infrastructure, large amounts of data can be instantly analysed, interpreted, and visualized by scientists. Given the growth and evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT), there is an increasing need for a more complete understanding of the nature of these areas and their derivatives which form a critical factor in the innovative computing paradigm.

The term Innovative Computing (IC) covers all new computational issues and all machine and deep learning aspects related to evolutionary computation, bio-inspired computing, neuro-computing, and fuzzy computing as well as other new state-of-art computing paradigms. It looks for all the possibilities of these mature computing paradigms to establish new findings and applications that will illuminate the future of ICT. Most importantly, innovative computing can be applied and adopted to different industries, such as business administration, sales and marketing, finance, social networks, e-commerce, healthcare, and other domains related to daily life. The evolutionary mechanism and real-world applications of Innovative Computing need to be investigated in greater depth.

The term Management Science (MS) refers to the broad interdisciplinary study of problem solving and decision making in human organizations, with strong links to management, economics, business, engineering, management consulting, and other sciences. It includes studies on organizational, managerial, and individual decision making, from both normative and descriptive perspectives. Research in this area is primarily based on the foundational disciplines of economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, and statistics.

This conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and interested pioneers from both academia and industry to report on, review, and exchange the latest progress in innovative computing, to explore future directions of research, and to prompt better experience in different fields. We welcome papers which focus on theoretical studies, practical applications and experimental prototypes, along with survey papers.

〖Topics of Interests〗
Authors are asked to submit articles that illustrate research results, projects, survey work, industrial experience, and creative ideas that describe significant advances in the following areas:

【Innovative Computing (IC)】
『Infrastructure』: middleware systems and services; large-scale data management for innovative computing; cloud, cloudlet, and fog computing; integration of smart devices; device-to-device coordination applications, and heterogeneous pervasive and social data storage, models and analytics.
『Theories, models, and algorithms』: context modeling and reasoning; adaptive and context-aware computing; activity recognition; machine learning; deep learning; data mining; online data stream mining; location based services; cognitive techniques; and fusion integration from multi-source social big data.
『Innovative computing and its extended fields』: opportunistic networks; Internet of Things;
sensor networks; and RFID systems.
『Innovative computing and Human Behavior』: participatory and social sensing; trust, security,
and privacy; human behavior and user interfaces, interaction, and persuasion; social networking
and pervasive computing.

【Management Science (MS)】
『Management』: business administration, international enterprise, human resources, customer
relationship management, logistics and supply chain management, organizational behavior, information management, electronic commerce, social commerce, corporate governance,
hospitality and tourism management.
『Economics』: international economics; international finance; banking and financial markets;
econometric models and applications; public economics and public policy; energy, environment
and resources; behavioral and experimental economics; economics of technology, economics of
『Finance』: banking, investment, accounting, finance engineering, portfolios, stock markets,
insurance, finance management, risk management.
『Education』: e-learning, u-learning, special education, higher education, elementary education, education policy, educational measurement and evaluation.

【Paper Submission & Publication】
・Submissions will be handled through the dedicated Easychair page.

All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. In addition, ICMS2019 features a special publication model for authors to extend their conference works to high quality journals and books following the conference. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation and clarity of exposition. Selected high quality and presented papers will be recommended to the following top-ranked journals. More details can be found on the conference website.

【Important Dates】
・Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2019
・Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2019
・Early-bird Registration Deadline: May 31, 2019
・Camera-ready Submission Deadline: June 15, 2019
・Normal Registration Deadline: June 15, 2019
・Conference dates: July 19-22, 2019

【Contact Information】
・For further information, please contact

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