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IST Special Issue 2023 : Special Issue - IST, Journal. Reengineering Legacy Software Systems to Blockchain Platforms


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    software engineering   blockchain   software reengineering

Call For Papers

Reengineering Legacy Software Systems to Blockchain Platforms
Information and Software Technology Journal

This special issue aims at making a synergy between research and practice that are focused on migrating legacy software to blockchain platforms, highlighting the need for novel and high-quality research in migrating systems to blockchain platforms, and appraising the current and future impact of blockchain-enabled systems. The issue is open to all manuscripts drawing results based on qualitative, quantitative, empirical, and design science research approaches that make significant contributions to tackling real-world challenges confronted by project managers, software practitioners, digital consulting firms, and researchers in reengineering systems to blockchain platforms.

-- Suggested Topics

The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following.

- Survey based studies and literature review on blockchain migration
- Data and legal security and privacy issues on the blockchain migration
- Industrial findings and experience reports of reengineering/migrating systems to smart contracts
- Empirical studies and metrics on legacy system migration to blockchain platforms
- Legacy data migration to blockchain
- Integrating legacy systems and on-premises infrastructure to multiple blockchains
- Architectural patterns and styles for blockchain-enabled legacy systems
- Legacy code refactoring and architecture transformation to (Ethereum) smart contracts
- Value driven requirements engineering for system transformation to smart contracts
- Blockchain-based NFT casting models for legacy systems and data
- Reengineering processes and method tailoring for transformation to smart contracts
- Legacy system migration to open-source blockchain platforms

-- Manuscript submission information:

Important Dates

* Paper Submission Deadline: 30th November 2023

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