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ICICA 2025 : ACM--2025 The 14th International Conference on Information Communication and Applications (ICICA 2025) | |||||||||||
Link: https://www.icica.org/ | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
Full Name: The 14th International Conference on Information Communication and Applications
Abbreviation: ICICA 2025 *The 14th International Conference on Information Communication and Applications (ICICA 2025)* When: September 14-16, 2025 Where: University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Website: https://www.icica.org/ The 14th International Conference on Information Communication and Applications (ICICA 2025) will be held in University of Oxford, Oxford, UK during September 14-16, 2025. Information Communication and Applications is a field that explores how information and communication technologies can be effectively integrated and applied across various domains to solve problems and improve efficiency. It encompasses the development and utilization of systems for managing, transmitting, and securing data, and extends to practical applications in business, healthcare, education, and entertainment. By combining insights from multiple disciplines, Information Communication and Applications aims to harness technological innovations to enhance connectivity, streamline processes, and drive progress in diverse areas of modern life. ==Organizing Committee== Conference Chairs Xiaodong Liu, Edinburgh Napier University, UK Farid Meziane, University of Derby, UK Technical Program Committee Co-chairs Frank Wang, University of Kent, UK Steve Furnell, University of Nottingham, UK Gang Liu, Harbin Engineering University, China Boris Kovalerchuk, Central Washington University, USA Ruben Picek, University of Zagreb, Croatia Chunming Rong, University of Stavanger, Norway Local Organizing Chairs Christos Chrysoulas, Edinburgh Napier University, UK & Heriot Watt University, UK Amjad Ullah, Edinburgh Napier University, UK Publication Chair Horatiu Dragomirescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Publicity Chairs Gabriela Mogos, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China Shengkun Xie, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada Regional Chairs Henrique Mamede, Universidade Aberta, Portugal Radu Laura-Diana, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi, Romania ==Conference Proceedings== Accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, which will be submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc. ==Journal== Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers after registration and presentation will be published into the following related journals. Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT) ISSN: 1798-2340 (Online) Impact Factor 2023: 0.9 & CiteScore: 4.2 Indexing: ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus, CNKI, etc. Journal of Communications (JCM) ISSN: 1796-2021 (Online); 2374-4367 (Print) | DOI: 10.12720/jcm CiteScore: 3.4 Abstracting/ Indexing: Scopus, CNKI, EBSCO, DBLP, Google Scholar, etc. ==Call for Paper== ▪ Automated Software Engineering ▪ Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing ▪ Compilers and Interpreters ▪ Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems ▪ Computer Graphics and Multimedia ▪ Computer Networks ▪ Computer Networks and Data Communication ▪ Control Systems ▪ Data Compression ▪ Digital Library ▪ Digital System and Logic Design ▪ Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing ▪ Event Driven Programming ▪ High Performance Computing ▪ Image Processing ▪ Information Systems ▪ Knowledge Data Engineering ▪ Multimedia Applications ▪ Neural Networks ▪ Pattern Recognition ▪ Programming Languages ▪ Robotics and Automation ▪ Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing ▪ Computing Practices & Applications ▪ Digital Signal and Image Processing ▪ Distributed and Parallel Processing ▪ Reconfigurable Computing Systems ▪ Ubiquitous Computing ▪ Distributed Systems For more topics, please check: http://www.icica.org/cfp.html ==Submission Guideline== #Submission Requirements# ▪ Full Paper (Presentation and Publication) The submitted papers for conference proceedings should be no less than 8 pages in single-column. The submitted papers for journal publication should be no less than 4 pages in double-column. ▪ Abstract (Presentation only) We encourage you to send informative abstract (200-400 words) which is a compendious summary of a paper's substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. ▪ Your submission should be in English. #Submission Method# Submit your full paper or abstract directly to Online Submission System or icica_contact@yeah.net. ▪ via online submission system (Link: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icica2025): an account is needed, if you don't have, please register first. ▪ via mailbox (Email: icica_contact@yeah.net): the email subject should be named as "Submission-ICICA 2025-Full Paper/ Abstract". The submission will be confirmed and assigned a Paper ID by the conference secretary from icica_contact@yeah.net within two working days after submission. To ensure receipt of all correspondence from the conference, please add icica_contact@yeah.net as acceptable emails to receive. ==Conference Schedule== The detailed conference schedule is to be available online in July 2025. For your convenience, schedule at a glance is given below. Day 1 - September 14, 2025 - Sunday 10:00-17:00: Registration & Materials Collection 14:00-17:00: Committee Conference 14:00-17:00: Campus Tour Day 2 - September 15, 2025 - Monday 09:00-12:00: Opening Remark and Keynote Speeches 13:30-18:00: Invited Speeches & Parallel Sessions 18:00-20:30: Award Ceremony & Dinner Banquet Day 3 - September 16, 2025 - Tuesday 09:00-12:00: Invited Speeches & Parallel Sessions 13:30-19:00: City Tour ==Contact== The secretary's office will collect paper contributions and respond to the queries. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the conference secretary. Conference Secretary: Miss Luna Wu Email: icica_contact@yeah.net Tel.: 001-518-478-2659 WeChat: csit2009 Office Hour: Mon. - Fri. 9:30-18:00 (GMT+8 Time Zone) |