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IEEE/CAA JAS 2019 : Special Issue on Time Series Classification


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Mar 11, 2019
Notification Due Apr 8, 2019
Categories    time series   classification   deep learning

Call For Papers

Apologies for cross postings

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Call for Papers for Special Issue on Time Series Classification

Submissions are solicited for the 2019 Special Issue on Time Series Classification of the IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS, is a joint publication
of the IEEE and the Chinese Association of Automation.
The objective of JAS is high quality and rapid publication of articles, with a strong focus on new trends,
original theoretical and experimental research and developments, emerging technologies, and industrial standards in automation.

Submissions are invited for research papers in the broad area of time series classification.
Submissions should be high-quality papers in terms of their scientific contribution, rigour, correctness,
quality of presentation and reproducibility of experiments.

Time series classification research and applications have recently received a lot of attention.
With the advancement of technological devices, time series data are being collected by a wide variety of devices,
resulting in a wide range of research and applications. Various fields of studies, ranging from healthcare to weather readings,
require time series classification. Activity and action recognition using time series data from fitness trackers are commonly being practiced.
Today, a new generation of algorithms and techniques are being used to classify time series data that are widely available to the
research community. For example, recently deep learning techniques that utilize convolutions and recurrent neural networks
are being used to classify epileptic seizures from EEG recordings made available at the University of California-Irvine data repository.

The topics of interest in this special issue include but are not limited to the following:
-Univariate/Multivariate time series classification
-On-line learning in time series classification
-Big Data time series classification
-Deep Learning and/or complex network methodologies to improve time series classification accuracy
-Time series classification applications (healthcare, action recognition, image recognition, energy, etc.)

Electronic submissions will be handled via IEEE ScholarOne Manuscripts online system.
Please go to the IEEE ScholarOne website to submit your paper.
You will need to create an account if you do not have one already.
In step six of the submission process, you can select this special issue
to make sure that your paper is submitted to the relevant special issue.

Papers must be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE guidelines.
In the IEEE ScholarOne Manuscripts system under the tab Instructions & Forms you can find Instructions for Authors
as well as the Latex template for submitting your paper. For up to 10 pages length (in IEEE double-column format),
each paper is free. The authors can opt for additional pages, but please note that there is a $200 charge for each extra page.
Please consult carefully the JAS Information for authors document.
Manuscripts with low technical quality or poor English writing will be rejected without review.

IEEE/CAA JAS considers the author list submitted with the paper as final.
No additions or deletions to this list may be made after paper submission,
either during the review period, or in case of acceptance, at the final submission stage.

The review process is double-blind. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of technical quality,
novelty, potential impact, and clarity. Manuscripts that do not follow the
double-blind submission guidelines will be rejected without review.

Manuscripts submitted to this journal should not have been published
and should not be submitted or published elsewhere in English or any other languages,
without the written consent of the publisher.

-Submission deadline: March 11, 2019
-Previewing and Reviewer’s initial comments: April 8, 2019
-Revisions (if required) from authors: May 6, 2019
-Guest Editor’s recommendation: May 20, 2019
-Editors-in-chief (EIC)’ decision: May 27, 2019
-Final accepted manuscripts: June 3, 2019
-Publication which will be done by the Editorial Office: September 1, 2019

For any additional questions you can contact:

Guest Editors:
Houshang Darabi, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA,
Georgiana Ifrim, University College Dublin, Ireland,
Patrick Schäfer, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany,
Diego Silva, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil,

Related Resources

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