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ITSEV 2019 : Emergency vehicles in the era of cooperative intelligent transport systems and automated driving - in conjunction with the 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’19)


When Jun 9, 2019 - Jun 9, 2019
Where Paris
Submission Deadline Feb 4, 2019
Notification Due Mar 29, 2019
Final Version Due Apr 22, 2019
Categories    C-ITS   emergency vehicles   autonomous vehicles

Call For Papers

Despite vast digitalization, emergency vehicles (EVs) alert other road users only by means of sirens and lights. This lacks clear intention exchange and usually gives insufficient time for action. Connected vehicles and automated vehicles (AVs) might address these limitations by enabling timely local EV-warning through C-ITS or cloud-based communication. Accurate intention exchange to other road users and AVs will give them time to react, thus helping EVs to have free passage. Similarly, obtaining information about other road users will help EVs to optimize their missions. However, to achieve these benefits, significant challenges need to be addressed.

Testing and pilots are needed to further prove the C-ITS services. Standardization needs to consider EV-messages containing more detailed intention information. Interaction protocols need to be specified with consideration to both manual vehicles and AVs. For AVs, machine-readable digital rules should describe the situation and intention. For manual vehicles, in addition to the digital rules, proper human-machine interaction (HMI) needs to be developed.

This workshop attempts to attract the latest research and innovation within the area and exchange experiences for future emergency response solutions. The workshop will gather the latest research and pilot studies on emergency response enabled by C-ITS and AVs. It will showcase innovative EV-services, identify challenges and potential solutions, and generate knowledge on e.g., communication, interaction protocols, situational awareness, education and training applications, HMI, and machine learning for future emergency response.

Non-exhaustive list of topics
C-ITS services for emergency vehicle (EV) warning including communication solutions, protocols, pilot studies, etc.
Intelligent and collaborative infrastructure solutions for EVs
Standardization efforts on connected solutions for EVs
Innovative vehicle applications for assisting EVs and other road users, including HMI-solutions
Interaction protocols for clear intention exchange and action between EVs and other road users
Interaction and information exchange between EVs and automated vehicles
Machine learning methods for automated vehicles to recognize and interact with emergency vehicles
Demonstration and pilot studies of emergency response involving connected vehicles and automated vehicles
Integrated system incorporating all or part of connected vehicles, automated vehicles, infrastructures, etc.
Evaluation methodologies, including simulations.
Quantitative and social impact analysis of new and innovative solutions on traffic safety, efficiency, response time, as well as patient care quality
Gap analysis for implementing the new and innovative solutions
Challenges on related stakeholders to migrate to new and innovative solutions such as willingness, barriers, and technology readiness.
Who should attend?
Scholars and practitioners with interest in any of the topics above.

Paper submission and publication
Please follow the instruction on IV19 website to prepare the paper and submit through IV19 submission. Remember to use “ITSEV” as the identifier for this workshop during the submission. All papers will be submitted and reviewed in the same process as the symposium papers. Accepted workshop papers will be published in the symposium proceeding. Because of this, at least one author needs to be registered for both the workshop and the conference (combined rate available).

Information for authors:
Paper submission:

Important dates
Workshop paper submission: February 7, 2019
Notification of workshop paper acceptance: April 5, 2019
Final Workshop paper submission: April 26, 2019

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