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Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2020
Final Version Due Feb 15, 2020
Categories    interdisciplinary   creativity   innovation   systems

Call For Papers


Following the success of the International Conference „Innovative Methodologies: International Art & Science Conference“, held at the Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb – we are preparing a thematic issue of the scientific journal Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems – INDECS (, dedicated to theoretical and practical insights into methodological issues connected to the concept of creativity and innovation. Scholars are encouraged to submit papers for possible publishing in the thematic issue of INDECS.

We live in the times of unprecedented global changes marked by complex relationship between technological innovation, social (in)justice and ecology. The underlying question of all debates on innovative methodologies among experts in different fields of science and arts is how to reconnect culture and nature, how to change conceptual approaches to the interior dimension of sustainability were the values and norms are made. We have made the list of recommended topics that is by no means exclusive.

Recommended topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- models of discovery: creativity and/in/versus innovation
- creativity and cultural improvisation
- engineering of creativity
- innovative mix-method approaches
- remix(ed) methods and multimethodology
- the role of systems methodology in interdisciplinary research
- co-creating qualitative research
- practice-based research in arts, humanities and cultural studies
- innovative methodological hybrids in human geography
- researching performance - performing research
- research as a lived process: archives and beyond
- lived research and methodology: what’s new in feminist analysis?
- rethinking gender-studies research methods
- anti-oppressive arts-based methodologies
- the politics of science and innovation policies
- management of creativity
- philosophical methodology/ philosophy as methodology
- experimental philosophy: its advances and discontents
- methodological cognitivism - pro et contra
- enactivism as a methodology?/ enactivism as a new paradigm connecting neurophenomenology, social robotics and distributed cognition?
- the neuroscience of creativity: art, science and the brain
- neural networks methodologies and their application to real-worldproblems
- embodiment and digital technology research
- methodological innovation in digital arts
- creative pedagogy and innovative methodologies in education
- complexity theory and transdisciplinary research methodology
- social-ecological innovation: methodologies to bridge the gap between sciences and society; between technological development and social inequality

About INDECS journal:

Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - INDECS, is a scientific journal, published quarterly as the online (ISSN 1334-4676), and printed (ISSN 1334-4684) edition. It is financially supported by Croatian Ministry of Science and Education.
INDECS is indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, DOAJ EBSCO Academic SearchTM Complete, EconLit, ERIH PLUS, and Ulrich's. Publisher of journal INDECS is Croatian Interdisciplinary Society, a non-profit civil organization, a member of the International Federation for Systems Research. The Journal INDECS is devoted to the field emerging rapidly as an intricate combination of theoretically and empirically well founded scientific disciplines such as humanities, social and natural sciences, still enriched with novel elements and often surprising moments. The journal aims to contribute to this sparsely covered field, where metaphorical expressions about our world and its various segments subtly develop into concepts and further into well-defined, more quantifiable, measurable, predictable and operable structures. In this sense, the articles included generally cover areas such as concept development and modelling, as well as others that contribute to a quantification of impressions and henceforth to a deepening of understanding of human societies and other complex systems, including aspects of our environment. The Journal predicted audience are scientists and experts with a background in natural or social sciences, as well as anyone else interested in the description of complex, predominantly human systems. The Journal Home Page:

INDECS publishes original, peer-reviewed, scientific contributions prepared as reviews, regular and conference papers and brief and preliminary reports.

Submission of full chapter: before December 15th, 2019
No publication fees

Please utilize the MS Word template downloadable from INDECS page for manuscript preparation.

Please, send your submissions to this email:

Any additional questions or comments, please, send to the aforementioned email.

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