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FBS 2019 : 10th International Scientific Conference THE GREAT POWERS INFLUENCE ON THE SECURITY OF SMALL STATES


When Jun 23, 2019 - Jun 25, 2019
Where Ohrid, Macedonia
Abstract Registration Due Jan 27, 2019
Submission Deadline Mar 7, 2019
Notification Due Mar 31, 2019
Final Version Due Mar 31, 2019
Categories    security   criminal justice   law

Call For Papers

We would like to invite you to take part in the upcoming International Conference of the Faculty of security – Skopje on the following topic "
THE GREAT POWERS INFLUENCE ON THE SECURITY OF SMALL STATES" which will take place in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 23-25.06.2019.

The Conference will cover the following topics:

* Geostrategic interests and political influences

- Geopolitical conflict of concepts, interests and ideologies in the region: Euro- Atlantic vs. Euro- Asian integration;

- Russian influence in the Balkans- destabilizing threat or factor for economic growth;

- Turkish foreign and security policy in the Balkans;

- One belt One road- China between economic promotion and democratic obstacle ;

- The role of USA in the Balkans in the era of President Tramp;

- German strategic interests in the region;

* New security challenges and asymmetric threats

- Radicalism and the Balkans;

- Security between strategies and red lines in the Balkans;

- The role of non-state actors in the security of Southeast Europe;

- Hybrid threats as new challenges for security;

* Global movements and changing policies

- Migration, human rights, political and security risks for small states;

- The role of the rule of law in the balance between justice and security in international relations;

- Contemporary forms of crime as a global threat;

- Capacity strengthening of small states and the capacity for fighting corruption and organized crime;

Call for Contributions

All authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help us shape the Conference by submitting their scientific, review and professional papers based on original and unpublished work.

About the Conference

Accepted and presented papers will be published in Conference Proceedings. Working languages of the Conference are English and Macedonian.

All required information related to the Conference will be sent to the authors via e-mail and published on the Conference webpage.

Conference Proceedings

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and presented in an Book with corresponding ISBN number.

Each Conference participant will receive a certificate of participation at the conference registration desk.

Important Deadlines and Fees
Abstract submission: 27 January, 2019

Early bird registration/Authors & presenters

(15 April, 2019): 70€

Notification of abstract acceptance: 31 January, 2019

Regular registration /Authors & presenters

(30 April, 2019): 80€

Paper submission: 7 March, 2019

Late registration /Authors & presenters (10 May, 2019): 90€

Notification of paper acceptance: 31 March, 2019

Paper publication without participation /Authors : 100€

Authors’ registration: 30 April, 2019

PhD students of the Faculty of Security: 50€

MSc students of the Faculty of Security: 40€

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Title of the paper: Times New Roman font, 14pt.
Author(s): 12pt. Name, affiliation, e-mail

The abstracts should be written in English, 11pt.
Abstract: A single paragraph of about 300 words maximum. For research articles, abstracts should give a pertinent overview of the work. We strongly encourage authors to use the following style of structured abstracts, but without headings: 1) Background: Place the question addressed in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study; 2) Methods: Describe briefly the main methods or treatments applied; 3) Results: Summarize the article's main findings; and 4) Conclusion: Indicate the main conclusions or interpretations. The abstract should be an objective representation of the article, it must not contain results which are not presented and substantiated in the main text and should not exaggerate the main conclusions.

Keywords: up to five words italicized, 11 pt.
***Please note that interested authors are allowed to submit a maximum of TWO papers (authors of one paper and co-authors of another one).
A maximum of three authors is allowed for each paper.

Paper Submission Guidelines


Times New Roman font, size 11 pt., 1.5 spacing, justified, 20.000 –25.000 characters (with spaces) with the following margins:
Top 2,5 cm; Bottom 2,5 cm; Left 3 cm; Right 3 cm

Text structure

Titles of chapters, sections and subsections should be written in 14 pt. font size, bold.


The sources should be listed in alphabetical order and according to APA Citation Style.

For more information about the Conference, please follow the links below:

All full papers must be written in English. If English is not your first language, please have the paper proof-read before submission.


Phone: +389 2 2546-211, extension 103

KInd regards,
Organizing Committee

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