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PMPC 2022 : 2022 International Conference on Personalized Medicine and Palliative Care


When Jan 15, 2022 - Jan 16, 2022
Where Changsha, China
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    oncology   primary care   psychology   medicine

Call For Papers

With deeper understanding of pharmacogenomics, personalized medicine has become the strategy of the treatment of cancer and it was paied more and more attention. Especially, with the accomplishment of Human Genome Project, molecular medicine based on high-throughput experiments and new sequencing technologies is promising the development of personalized medicine. Meanwhile, many different categories of clinician and healthcare workers do clinical work associated with palliative medicine, specialist or generalist palliative care, supportive care, psychosocial-oncology and end of life care.

PMPC 2022 provides a platform to bring together academic and clinical researchers, biotechnology, diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies, health professionals, regulatory and ethical experts, and government and regulatory authorities. We wish to engage specialties, not only those traditionally associated with personalized medicine and palliative care. This conference will promote innovative preclinical and translational scientific research and technologies related to personalized medicine, and extend the participants to doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers and researchers in medical and surgical specialties, including but not limited to cardiology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, neurology, oncology, paediatrics, primary care, psychiatry, psychology, renal medicine, respiratory medicine.

Primary full-length articles with relevance to personalized medicine and palliative care will be considered for publication. The deadline for proposals is September 30th, 2021 by which all interested participants are required to submit a provisional title, full paper (4000-6000 words) and an indication of your willingness to participate. We highly encourage doctorate (PhD) and postgraduate students to present their research proposal or findings or issues in this conference with a very special registration fees.

Accepted full papers will be published by SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications) in Conference Proceedings and will be submitted to Ei, Scopus (Elsevier), dblp, Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic for indexing.

Please submit your full paper ( .doc/.docx only) to

Looking forward to seeing you in Changsha, and your support will be a great contribution to the successful meeting!

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