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Philosophy of photography 2010 : Philosophy of Photography call for Papers


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    photography   philosophy   new media   image

Call For Papers

Philosophy of Photography Call for Papers

Philosophy of Photography is a new peer-reviewed journal devoted to the scholarly understanding of photography. It is not committed to any one notion of photography nor, indeed, to any particular philosophical approach. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for debating theoretical issues arising from the historical, political, cultural and scientific matrix of ideas, practices and techniques that constitute photography as a multifaceted form. In a contemporary context remarkable for its diversity and rate of change, the conjunction of the terms ‘philosophy’ and ‘photography’ in the journal’s title is intended to act as a provocation to serious reflection on the ways in which existing and emergent photographic discourses might engage with and inform each other.
Issue 1 was launched at the Photographers Gallery in London on March 31st and is now on sale in the gallery’s bookshop and online through Intellect, the publisher’s website. You can also find more information and download a free pdf preview copy of issue 1.1.from the Intellect website:,id=186/

The editors welcome inquiries and submissions from researchers and practitioners from a broad range of disciplines, who seek to explore any aspect of photography from a theoretical standpoint. The journal publishes articles, reviews, conference reports, occasional symposia on key topics and critical analyses of technical developments. The editors will also consider proposals for contributions in the form of photographic works. Prospective guest editors with ideas for themed issues are invited to approach the editors with their proposal. Prospective book, exhibition and conference reviewers should approach the reviews editor, Andrew Fisher, directly.

We are interested in receiving new submissions for publication in issues 1.2 (October 2010) and 2.1 (February 2011).

The deadline for submissions for publication in Philosophy of Photography 1.2 is July 31, 2010.

The deadline for submissions for publication in Philosophy of Photography 2.1 is October 31, 2010.

See the notes for contributors and style guide for authors at:,name=journalstyleguide/

Please contact the editors if you would like more information and/or to discuss a possible submission.

Philosophy of Photography 1.1 includes:
Print symposium: Philosophizing Photography/Photographing Philosophy (contributors: Ariella Azoulay, Pavel Büchler David Campany, Johanna Drucker, Patrick Maynard, Olivier Richon, Blake Stimson, Alexander Streitberger and Hilde Van Gelder).
Peter Osborne: Infinite Exchange: The Social Ontology of the Photographic Image
John Roberts: Philosophy, Culture, Image: Rancière’s ‘Constructivism’
Alexander Sekatskiy: Photographic Argument in Philosophy
The issue also features Sergei Podgorkov's Leningrad Photographs (with an introductory piece by Valery Valran) & an essay and photoworks by Richard Paul.
Developmental Neurobiologist Louise Kay writes on imaging synaptic activity in live neurons.
Book reviews and conference reports:
Antigoni Memou on John Tagg
Alev Adil on Damien Sutton
Margaret Kinsman on Henry Bond
Richard Paul on Geoffrey Batchen
Diane Smyth’s report on the ‘Humanising Photography’ conference

Daniel Rubinstein
London South Bank University

Andrew Fisher
(Reviews Editor)
Goldsmiths College
University of London

Pedro Vicente
ELISAVA/Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Advisory Board
Jan Baetens, Leuven University, Belgium
Geoffrey Batchen, City University of New York, USA
David Campany, University of Westminster, UK
Andrew Dewdney, London South Bank University, UK
Mary Anne Francis, University of Brighton, UK
Johnny Golding, Greenwich University, UK
David Green, University of Brighton, UK
Yaiza Hernández Velázquez, CENDEAC, Spain
Yve Lomax, Royal College of Art, UK
Stewart Martin, Middlesex University, UK
Enric Mira, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Víctor del Río, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
John Roberts, Wolverhampton University, UK
François Soulages, Paris VIII University, France

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