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FLAIRS-24 2011 : The 24th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference


When May 18, 2011 - May 20, 2011
Where Palm Beach, FL
Submission Deadline Jun 21, 2010
Notification Due Jul 16, 2010
Categories    AI   intelligent tutoring systems   applied nlp

Call For Papers

Special Tracks
Submission of special tracks for FLAIRS-24 is now invited.
Special tracks, held in parallel with the general conference, are an integral part of FLAIRS. Special tracks provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to meet and present their work, and offer a forum for interaction among the broader community of artificial intelligence researchers. Special track papers are required to meet the same standards and are published in the conference proceedings.
Topics of interest are in all areas related to artificial intelligence. For example, last year's special track submissions included

• Artificial Intelligence Education
• AI, Cognitive Semantics and Computational Linguistics: New perspectives
• Uncertain Reasoning
• Applied Natural Language Processing
• Games & Entertainment
• Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
• AI Planning and Scheduling
• Cognition and AI: Capturing Cognitive Plausibility and Informing Psychological Processes
• AI and Second Language Learning
• Learning in Intelligent Systems
• Intelligent Tutoring Systems

We encourage proposals for all topics, even those that have run previously. Please contact the Special Tracks Coordinator (Chutima Boonthum: or the program chair (Phil McCarthy: if you have questions about proposing a particular topic. We are also particularly interested in fresh tracks in areas such as Machine Learning or AI in English as a Second Language, but all proposals for tracks are very much encouraged.

Proposals must be submitted to the EasyChair conference system, which can be accessed through the main conference web site ( Chairs of special tracks will work closely with the Special Tracks coordinator, and are expected to respond promptly and communicate regularly in order to maximize the potential impact of the track. Proposals must be made using the special track template (see Please include the following information in all proposals:

1. Title of the special track.
2. Anticipated numbers of submissions and accepted papers. Special tracks that fail to attract sufficient papers will be merged into the general conference.
3. Names and contact information for the special track chair(s) and those who have agreed to serve on the special track's program committee.
4. Promotional plans and materials, including a draft call for papers, specific plans for publicizing the special track, and the names of any speakers you are considering inviting. (FLAIRS cannot guarantee any form of financial support for special track invited speakers at this stage.)

Conference Chair:
Hans Guesgen, Massey University, New Zealand

Program Co-Chairs:
Philip McCarthy, University of Memphis, USA

Chas Murray, Carnegie Learning, USA

Special Tracks Coordinator:
Chutima Boonthum, Hampton University USA

Contact Phil McCarthy:

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