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ERDN 2018 : 1st Workshop on Efficient Real-time Data Network


When Dec 11, 2018 - Dec 11, 2018
Where Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 20, 2018
Notification Due Oct 19, 2018
Final Version Due Nov 2, 2018
Categories    data network   real time   time sensitive networking   industrial network

Call For Papers

Call for Paper
RTSS 2018 Workshop on Efficient Real-time Data Network (ERDN)
11th Dec 2018, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Emerging applications and services require more advanced transmission technologies ensuring lower latency/jitter, better QoS and higher throughput. Along with bandwidth speeding up from 10 Mbps to 400 Gbps, more attention should be paid to real-time applications and scenarios. This workshop is intended to gather people to present their most recent work on real-time communication issues and also exchange ideas and thoughts.
Program Committee

Huayu Zhang(Chair), Huawei, China.
Hui Li (Co-Chair), PKU, China.
Zhigang Zhu, Huawei, China
Tong Yang, PKU, China
Wenfei Wu, THU, China
Xiaodong Xu, BUPT, China
Gerard Parr, UEA, UK
Guanrong Chen, CUHK, Hong Kong
Dongsu Han, KAIST, Korea
Jonathan Loo, UWL, UK
Changchuan Yin, BUPT, China
Chris Phillips, QMUL, UK
Nampuraja Enose, Advanced Engineering Group at Infosys Limited, Germany
Juergen Jasperneite, Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany
Lukasz Wisniewski, OWL, Germany
Vladimir Braverman, JHU, USA
Liqiang Wang, UCF, USA
Balajee Vamanan, UIC, USA
Wenjun Li, PKU, China
Steering Committee

Liaini (Chair), Huawei, China.
Zhe Lou, Huawei, Germany
Xiaodong Xu, BUPT, China
Kaixuan Xing, PKU, China

Topics of interest include but not limited:
* Fundamental theory, model for real-time data network
* Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) and its application
* The future industrial network
* Intranet and internet of vehicle network
* Low deterministic latency transmission technology
* Data quality metrics and trustworthiness
* Edge computing and cloud computing
Important dates:
* Papers Submission Deadline, 20th Sept 2018
* Papers Notification of Acceptance, 19th Oct 2018
* Papers Camera Ready Deadline, 2nd Nov 2018
Submission guidelines:
Full papers describing relevant viewpoints, findings, latest research and project on new network architectures, technologies and protocols, specifically in the context of real-time applications are welcomed. The full manuscript should be at most 6 pages using the 2-column IEEE format, including authors’ names and affiliations, figures, tables, references and appendices.
Submission link:

For any enquires regarding this workshop, please contact:,
We look forward to seeing you at RTSS 2018 ERDN.
Kind regards,
ERDN2018 Program Committee

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