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IFCAM 2018 : The Fifth International Francophone Congress of Advanced Mechanics


When Oct 31, 2018 - Nov 2, 2018
Where Beirut, Lebanon
Submission Deadline Aug 6, 2018
Notification Due Sep 3, 2018
Final Version Due Sep 21, 2018
Categories    engineering   systems engineering   renewable energy   mechanical

Call For Papers

You are invited to participate in The Fifth International Francophone Congress of Advanced Mechanics (IFCAM 2018) that will be held in the Faculty of Engineering, Beirut, Lebanon, on 31 October till 2 November, 2018. The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures.

The conference welcome extended abstract on the following (but not limited to) research topics:
1- Advanced Materials
2- Design, Reliability, and Optimization
3- Flows, Transport Phenomena, and Interactions
4- Manufacturing and Advanced Technology
5- Power and Thermal Process Systems
6- Renewable Energy and Environment
7- Robotics, Automation, and Measurements

All presented papers will be published in the Journal "MATEC Web of Conferences" (ISSN 2261-236X). This Journal is indexed in the following high-quality indexes:
Scopus, ISI Web of Science, EI Compendex, Engineering Village, etc...

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