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DS2ME 2009 : Second International Workshop on Data and Services Management in Mobile Environments


When Mar 29, 2009 - Apr 4, 2009
Where Shangai, China
Submission Deadline Oct 31, 2008
Notification Due Dec 7, 2008
Final Version Due Dec 22, 2008
Categories    communications

Call For Papers

Wireless and portable devices are enabling pervasive access to information and services. This has led to the development of numerous original services and systems in various application fields such as e-Commerce, e-Learning or transport systems. e-Services deployed in pervasive environments are supported by constrained resources in terms of autonomy, network bandwidth or storage capacity, mobility of devices (laptops, PDA, smartphones, etc.). These physical constraints have highly impacted traditional data and services management techniques. Therefore, these techniques are evolving and leading to new data and services management systems that consider variable user capabilities and context characteristics. The next generation of systems in pervasive environments will have to integrate data collected at different levels (in the cache, in the neighbourhood or received from remote data or servers). In addition, they will have to be adaptive, scalable, robust and efficient for developing numerous original services and systems.

Given these challenges, researchers and practitioners from the industrial and academic database community should gather together to discuss future trends in data and service management in pervasive environments. The DS2ME workshop will provide a forum for fruitful discussions on challenges and approaches about this emerging and challenging area.

Specific topics of the DS2ME workshop include, but are not limited to:

* Adaptable query processing
* Continuous query processing
* Context-aware computing
* Data or query dissemination
* Data replication & consistency
* Data or event stream processing
* Complex event processing and correlation
* Location-based services and tracking technologies
* Location dependent query processing
* Embedded data management systems
* Data replication and data consistency
* QoS modelling and evaluation frameworks
* Reliability, security and privacy
* Methods, models and infrastructures
* Metrics, and benchmarks
* Service discovery and composition
* Mashups
* Experiences in transportation systems, education, health, etc.

Important Dates

* Paper submission: October 31, 2008
* Author Notification: December 7, 2008
* Camera-Ready submission: December 22, 2008
* Workshop: March 29, 2009

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