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RFID 2009 : IEEE International Conference on RFID


When Apr 27, 2009 - Apr 28, 2009
Where Orlando, FL, USA
Abstract Registration Due Dec 1, 2008
Submission Deadline Dec 5, 2008
Notification Due Jan 13, 2009
Final Version Due Mar 13, 2009
Categories    communications

Call For Papers

The 2009 International IEEE Conference on RFID addresses key topics and issues related to RF-based identification and communication systems, and will feature keynotes, presentations on technology advances and panel discussions on pressing topics. IEEE RFID 2009 is the third annual conference that brings together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to share research results and knowledge in the areas of RFID technologies, their supporting large-scale distributed information systems and their applications.

Once again co-located with the RFID Journal LIVE! 2009 tradeshow and conference, attendees and presenters alike benefit. 
Authors are invited to submit full 8-page papers in the IEEE conference format presenting new research related to the theory and practice of RF-based identification and communication systems. All submissions must describe original work not previously published or currently under review for publication in another conference or journal.

Topic areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Antennas & Propagation: Antenna theory and designs, channel measurements and modeling
* Circuits, Devices & Sensors: Low-power circuit designs, integrated sensors, energy harvesting, non-silicon-based structures
* Communication Protocols: Coding, modulation and medium access schemes
* Security & Privacy: Cryptographic protocols and privacy-enhancing techniques
* System Tools: Tools for the design, deployment and evaluation of RFID systems
* RF-based Localization: Novel system approaches, technologies and algorithms
* RFID System Architecture: "RFID middleware", large-scale discovery services
* Policy & Regulatory Issues: Spectral management, privacy issues, co-existence of RFID systems, social implications of RFID technology
* Deployment Issues & Concerns: EMC compatibility, tag recycling, issues in patient safety
* Applications: Reports on the introduction and operational experience of RFID applications

Abstract submissions due: December 1, 2008
Paper submissions due: December 5, 2008
Notification of acceptance: February 13, 2009
Publication-ready version due: March 13, 2009

Please refer to the AUTHOR INFORMATION link on this site. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE conference proceedings and in IEEE Xplore®.

PLEASE NOTE: To be published in the IEEE RFID 2009 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the FULL (member or non-member) rate, and is expected to present the paper at the conference. Registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one FULL registration is valid for a single paper only.

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