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Immuneresponse 2019 : International Conference on Vaccines and Immune Response


When Jun 17, 2019 - Jun 18, 2019
Where Dubai
Abstract Registration Due Apr 15, 2019
Submission Deadline May 16, 2019
Categories    immunology   vaccines

Call For Papers


Nowadays vaccination is a very important part of public health and family. Vaccination is the essential part in our life for keeping us healthy and keeps us safe. Vaccines prevent the spread of chronic, contagious, deadly and dangerous diseases. It helps us to fight against many chronic and contagious diseases like polio, mumps, HIV, HPV, smallpox, cancer, Influenza, etc. The eradication of smallpox is exactly achieved by the vaccine discovery. A vaccine contains a disease-causing microorganisms like viruses and bacteria. Those agents are present in the vaccine when vaccinated stimulate the immune system and it gets recognized and the infection eliminates by the body’s immune system. But vaccines remain elusive for the treatment of many important diseases like HIV, Ebola, Malaria, Herpes etc. This Conference brings out the knowledge about the recent research, development and future aspects of Vaccines.

Vaccine monitoring and storage
Vaccine development
Next generation vaccines research
Vaccine ingredients
HIV and HPV vaccines
TB and Malaria vaccines

Immunology is a branch of biology that covers the study of the immune system and is a very important branch of the medical and biological sciences. The immune system protects us from pathogen through various lines of defense. Mainly the function of the immune system is to fight against the antigens that enter into the body through various paths. It also can recognize the non-self and self-antigens. Basically, the molecular and cellular components build up the immune system. The function of these components divided into innate and adaptive immunities. The adaptive immune system mediates the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. The immunoglobulin molecules play a significant role in the immune system by neutralizing the antigens.

Immunity types
Cancer Biology and DNA Damage Response
Cancer Immunotherapy
Nutritional Immunology
Transplant Immunology
Veterinary Immunology
Vaccine Types

The Vaccines type includes Inactivated Vaccines, Recombinant Vaccines, Live Attenuated Vaccines, Toxoid vaccines, Subunit Vaccines, and Conjugate Vaccines. Within all these vaccines, the Attenuated Vaccines were first developed against the viruses. The first Vaccine developed using live attenuated virus and that was Rabies Vaccine. Generally Inactivated Viruses contained killed microorganisms. U.S Childhood Immunization, they recently recommended the Live, Attenuated Vaccines for MMR vaccine. The recombinant vaccine is produced by utilizing the gene segment from the protein of a disease-causing organism.

Live, Attenuated vaccines
Toxoid vaccines
Conjugate vaccines
Inactivated vaccines
Subunit vaccines
Vaccines Research & Development

The revelation of vaccinations has activated the nearby demolition of a pair of basic diseases and has enormously influenced prosperity for a decently insignificant exertion. WHO’s Initiative for Vaccine Research (IVR) facilitates vaccine research and development (R&D) against pathogens with significant disease and economic burden, with a particular focus on low and middle earnings countries. Maximum antibodies which being utilized today were created by frameworks that were initiated more than 100 years ago and don't address the greatest limit of the field. The introduction of innate structure has controlled quick advances in counter acting agent development and is as of now provoking to the entry of new things in the business focus.

Recent focus in virology
Retroviral diseases in Middle East, Asia & Africa
Vectors / drug delivery / adjuvants
Modified medicine
Vaccines manufacturing & bioprocessing
Vaccines & Immunizations

Vaccination is the organization of antigenic material to animate a person's resistant framework to create versatile insusceptibility to a pathogen. Immunizations can improve or prevent powerful illness. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent disease or infection. The adequacy of vaccination has been generally examined and after then confirmed. Vaccination is the best technique for killing powerful diseases; across the board invulnerability because of immunization are to a great extent in charge of the overall destruction of smallpox and the end of maladies, for example measles, polio and lockjaw from a significant part of the world.

Combinationvaccines and plant based vaccines
Recombinant vector based
Therapeutic vaccination for auto immune diseases
Vaccines against vector-borne diseases
Vaccination in new-borns, pregnancy and the elderly populations
Age-specific immune response to vaccination
Vaccine Production

An antibody is a natural readiness that gives dynamic acquired immunity to a particular ailment. An antibody consistently contains an administrator that takes after an ailment causing microorganism and is normally produced using executed types of the organism, its toxic substances or one of its surface proteins. The administrator strengthens the body's immune system to perceive the specialist as a danger, destroy it, and perceive and devastate any of these microorganisms that it later experiences. Antibodies can be supportive or prophylactic. The association of vaccination or immunization is called inoculation. The viability of inoculation has been extensively considered and confirmed.

Vaccines awareness
Business development
Attenuated vaccines
T-cell receptor peptide vaccines
Cost effective production
Human Vaccines

A vaccine is an inactivated form of bacteria/ virus or killed microorganisms that is injected into the body to simulate an actual infection. Because the injected microorganisms are 'killed or dead,' they don't cause a person to become sick. Instead of vaccines stimulate also an immune response by the body that will fight off that type of disease. It covers non-infectious disease targets and infectious disease targets. The process for the Vaccine-mediated protection is a complex challenge. Presently available vaccines have largely been settled empirically, with little or no understanding on how they activate the immune system. Their initial protective efficacy is mainly conferred by the induction of antigen-specific antibodies. However, there is more to antibody-mediated protection than the highest of immunization-induced antibody titers.

Rubella vaccine
Influenza vaccines
Cholera vaccine
Chickenpox vaccine
Rotavirus vaccine
Measles vaccines
Flu Vaccines

Basically, influenza vaccines are those vaccines that protect against infection by influenza viruses. The development phase for a new version of vaccine basically happens for twice a year, as the influenza virus rapidly changes. Influenza is a dangerous and chronic disease that leads to even death in some serious conditions. As per the survey, about millions of people will get flu every year and for this about tens of thousands of die from flu related diseases. Taking annual systematic flu vaccine is the only way to decrease the risk of getting infection with seasonal flu and it can be can spreading to other people.

Flu vaccines recent research
Flu vaccines mechanisms
Flu vaccine types
Flu vaccine characterization
Flu shots pros and cons
Cancer Vaccines

Cancer vaccines enhance the immune system's natural ability to diagnosis and destroy things that are foreign and potentially harmful to the body. A strong, healthy immune system is able to recognize antigens (substances on the surface of cells that are not regularly part of the body) and attack them, typically eliminating them. The immune system is then left with a “memory” that helps it to react to those antigens later on. The cancer treatment vaccine takes advantage of the immune system’s reacts to antigens. Even cancer cells having some specific molecules on their cell surface, those are not present on the healthy cells. When injected into a person, those specific molecules act as antigens, which stimulate the immune system to distinguish and destroy those cancer cells that have these molecules on their cell surface. Most cancer vaccines additionally contain adjuvants. Cancer vaccines are two types. They are Preventive vaccines in nature.

Cancer therapy and clinical cancer research
Anti-cancer drugs and delivery
Cancer cell diagnosis, biology and applied research
HIV/AIDS Vaccines

An AIDS vaccine does not yet exist, but efforts to build up an antibody or vaccine against HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, have been in a progress for many years. An HIV vaccine could be effective in both of two different ways. A “preventive” vaccine would stop HIV contamination occurring altogether, whereas a “therapeutic” vaccine would not stop contamination, but would delay or prevent illness in people who do become contaminated, and might also decrease the dangerous factor of them transmitting the virus to other individuals. In spite of the fact that a preventive vaccine would be ideal, a therapeutic vaccine also can be highly beneficial. The fundamental thought behind all HIV vaccines is to encourage the human immune system to fight against HIV.

Historically, vaccines have been our best weapon against the world’s deadliest contagious diseases, including polio, small pox, yellow fever and measles. Unfortunately, currently we do not have a vaccine for HIV. The virus has unique ways of avoiding the immune system, and the human body seems incapable of mounting an effective immune response against it. As a result, researchers do not have a reasonable picture of what is needed to provide protection against HIV.

HIV research and therapy
HIV vaccine strategies
B cell-based vaccines
T cell-based vaccines
Viral vaccine vectors
Innate & mucosal immunity
Challenges facing AIDS vaccine development
Preventive HIV vaccines
Recombinant vector vaccine
Age acceleration effects due to HIV infection
HPV Vaccines

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is not a live or inactivated vaccine. HPV is the most unstated sexually-transmitted disease in the US. There are a couple of types of hepatitis diseases including types A, B, C, D, E, and possibly G. Types A, B, and C are the most generally perceived. All hepatitis diseases can be turned into extreme hepatitis.

HPV vaccine mainly protects against four major types. These include two types that cause about 90% of genital warts and two types that cause about 70% of cervical cancer. The usage of HPV vaccine can prevent most of the genital warts and in most cases of cervical cancer. Protection from HPV vaccination is expected to gives a long-term result. But vaccinated women still needed the cervical cancer screening because the vaccine does not defend against or protect from all HPV types that cause cervical cancer.

HPV vaccines for men
HPV vaccines for women
Advances in HPV vaccine
HPV infection & cancer
Hepatitis viruses & co-infection with HIV
HPV & Hepatitis vaccines current updates
HPV vaccines safety, prevention
Global HPV vaccine market analysis
Viral Vaccines

Most of vaccines against viral contamination are effective at preventing disease. However, vaccines are not 100% effective for a number of reasons, after vaccination also the reactions can occur.

It is really difficult for many of us today to appreciate the risks of childhood viral infections.

Most of the vaccines in use against viruses are extremely effective at preventing disease. However, for some of reasons, they can fail:

The vaccine turns to inactive due to incorrect storage, if used over its expiry date, or if it’s incorrectly administered.
Individuals unpredictably fail to produce a sufficient immune reaction or response to the vaccine.
Vaccine immunity “fades” after some time.
Viral vaccines
Inactivated vaccine
Rubella virus
Recombinant vaccines
Bacterial Vaccines
Stomach flu
Viral pneumonia
Viral hepatitis
DNA Vaccines

DNA vaccines are the newest type of vaccine and consist of only a DNA molecule encoding the antigen(s) of interest and, possibly, costimulatory molecules such as cytokines. DNA immunization is a new technique used to efficiently stimulate humoral and cellular immune responses to protein antigens. . DNA vaccines are third generation vaccines and are made up of a small, circular piece of bacterial DNA.DNA vaccination is a technique for protecting an organism against disease by injecting it with genetically engineered DNA to build an immunological response. The single direct injection of genetic material into a living host causes a small amount of its cells to produce the introduced gene products. This improper gene expression within the host has important immunological consequences, resulting in the specific immune activation of the host against the gene delivered antigen.

DNA vaccination
Delivery methods
Next generation DNA Vaccines
Recombinant vaccines
Plant Derived Vaccines

Plant-based immunizations are recombinant protein subunit vaccines. Ideally, the choice of plant species used to create the chosen antigen should allow for oral medication in the form of an edible vaccine. To date, the most developed human vaccine projects have effectively completed phase I clinical trials, and animal vaccine projects have specified promising data in early phase trials targeting specific animal species.

Molecular level of Plant based Vaccine
Plant based Vaccine against Virus
Disadvantages of Plant Based Vaccines
Direct Gene Delivery Method
Production of Plant based Vaccine
Mosquito-Borne Diseases-Vaccines

Mosquito borne appealing infections are among vital gathering of diseases around the world. Immunization is accessible for some tropical mosquito-borne infections, particularly for Japanese encephalitis contamination and yellow fever. There are additionally a few endeavours’ to grow new vaccinations for the other mosquito-borne infections, for example dengue fever, jungle disease and West Nile infection contamination.

Progress and challenges
Veterinary Vaccination

Veterinary immunization have had, and continue having, a critical part in guaranteeing animal fortune and general affluence, diminishing animal persisting, permitting capable era of food animals to support the healthy human and hugely diminishing the prerequisite for hostile to microbial to treat nourishment and amigo animals. Rabies antibodies for domestic unit animals and untamed life have about abstained from human rabies in made countries.

Veterinary vaccines for animals
Pet vaccines and vaccinations
Animal immunizations
Innovations in animal vaccines
Vaccine Safety

Vaccines are the best protection we have against preventable, serious and sometimes deadly contagious diseases. Vaccines are some of the safest medicinal products available, but like any other medicinal product, there may be health risk. Accurate information about the value of vaccines as well as their probable side-effects helps people to make informed decisions about vaccination.

Vaccine safety communication
Factors Influencing Vaccine efficacy
Vaccine Storage, Administration & Handling
Immune Mediated Vaccines

Patients with safe mediated incendiary ailments (for example, IBD, RA or psoriasis, are at increased risk of contamination, in part in light of the malady itself, however for the most part in light of treatment with immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive medications. Regardless of their raised hazard for vaccination preventable disease, immunization scope in IMID patients is shockingly low.

Vaccines for immunodeficiency diseases
Innate immunity and diabetes vaccines
Vaccines for autoimmune skin disorders
Vaccination strategy in patients with IMID
Vaccines Clinical Trials

The development of human vaccines keeps on depending on the use of animals for research. Administrative specialists require novel vaccine candidates to undergo preclinical assessment in animal models before being permitted to enter the clinical phase in human subjects. However, the ultimate goal of a new vaccine is to instruct the immune system to produce an effective immune response against the pathogen of interest, and no alternatives to live animal use at present exist for evaluation of this reaction.

Innovations and clinical trials in vaccination
Research and development of viral vaccines, including field trials
Diagnostic and clinical applications
Antibodies Research

Immunizer Genetic Engineering and Therapeutics meeting combined a widespread scope of members who were refreshed on the most recent advances in counter acting agent innovative work. Composed by IBC Life Sciences, the get-together is the annually meeting of The Antibody Society, which fills in as the logical support. Preconference workshops on 3D representing and outline of clonal ancestries were highlighted.

Antibody biology & engineering
Genetics and epigenetics of the immune system
Non antibody immunity
Antibodies and neuroscience

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