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ICPCES 2010 : International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems


When Nov 29, 2010 - Dec 1, 2010
Where Allahabad, India
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2010
Notification Due Aug 31, 2010
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2010
Categories    power   control   embedded systems

Call For Papers

Topics for the technical papers to be presented include, but are not limited to, the following:

Power Electronics & Drives: Modeling, simulations and control of power electronics, power electronics converters, DC-DC and AC-AC conversion, rectifiers, inverters, PWM systems, electrical drives control and applications, AC and DC motor drives.

Power Conditioning & Renewable Energy:

FACTS and Custom Power Devices, power quality, active and hybrid filtering, power line conditioners, UPS, advances in renewable energy technology, wind, solar, biomass and wave energy systems, fuel cells, microhydro power generation, integrated renewable systems, distributed generation, micro-grid, smart-grid, power system protection.

Control Systems & Applications:

Physical system modeling, advanced control techniques, adaptive and nonlinear control, optimal and robust control, estimation and identification, intelligent control, industrial process control, supervisory systems, digital controllers, multidimensional systems, applications in industries, vehicles, space, biomedical systems etc., control engineering education.

Signal Processing & VLSI:

Analog and digital signal processing, mixed mode signal processing, parallel processing, image & sound processing, remote sensing, reconfigurable computing systems, low power VLSI design, VLSI for Communication.

Industrial Instrumentation & Communication:

Sensors and actuators, virtual instrumentation and its applications, robotics and mechatronics, power line communication, adhoc sensor and mesh networking, field buses, real-time ethernet networks, wireless sensor networks, hybrid network, network sensing systems, mobile and wireless communications.

Embedded Systems & Computational Intelligence:

FPGA’s and ASIC’s, PLC’s, microcontrollers and microprocessors, computer based systems, embedded controllers, real-time and (networked) embedded systems, fuzzy logic, expert systems, evolutionary algorithm, heuristics methods, neural network, cloud computing and applications.

Note: An extended digest (3-5 pages of single-column A-4 size) that accurately reflects the content of each proposed technical paper must be received no later than June 30, 2010. It must include all information considered necessary by the authors to demonstrate the technical merit of the paper. Digests are to be submitted electronically, via the conference website. Author contact information and the topic of the paper should be included in the submission.

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