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The Concept of World in Philosophy 2018 : The Concept of World in Philosophy


When Dec 6, 2018 - Dec 7, 2018
Where Zagreb
Submission Deadline May 1, 2018
Notification Due Jun 1, 2018
Categories    philosophy

Call For Papers

Philosophical Conference: The Concept of World in Philosophy

Institute of Philosophy
Zagreb, Croatia
6-7 December 2018

Keynote Speakers: Thomas K. Johansen (University of Oslo), Niels Weidtmann (Universität Tübingen)

***Conference Description***
Although the concept of world in different philosophical traditions has very different meanings, it remains one of the key concepts in Western philosophy. Examples of different concepts of world include the kosmos in the ancient tradition, the created world in the Medieval tradition, two opposed systems of the world (Galileo), the world as a clockwork mechanism (Newton), the best of all possible worlds (Leibniz), the world of nations (Vico), the world as a regulative idea (Kant), the competing world-views (Dilthey), the transcendental horizon of possible objects (Husserl), the being-in-the-world and the mirror-play of the fourness (Heiddegger), ways of worldmaking (Goodman), the mondialization (Nancy). All of these different concepts have their philosophical underpinnings and implications that are worth reflecting upon and questioning.

***Submission Information***
We invite applications for conference presentations on the topic. Titles with abstracts and short CVs should be sent to Dr. Tvrtko Jolić ( by 1 May 2018. The preferred length of presentations is 30-35 minutes, allowing for 10-15 minutes for discussion. Presentations can be delivered in English, German or Croatian.

***Travel and Accommodation***
There is no conference fee, and the speakers are dinner guests of the organizer. The organizer can help with accommodation and travel arrangements, but cannot contribute financially.

***Organizing Committee***
Dr. Damir Barbaric (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb)
Dr. Pavel Gregoric (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb)
Dr. Tvrtko Jolic (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb)

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