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EAI HealthWear 2020 : (Virtual) HealthWear 2020 - 2nd EAI International Conference on Wearables in Healthcare


When Jun 9, 2020 - Jun 11, 2020
Where N/A, Cyberspace
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2020
Notification Due Oct 5, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 21, 2020
Categories    wearables   healthcare   ehealth   personal health

Call For Papers

Due to the safety concerns and travel restrictions caused by COVID-19, EAI HealthWear 2020 will take place online in a live stream.

Non-authors and Co-Authors of already registered papers can register for access to the live stream completely free of charge.


A variety of relevant health and fitness parameters are now being captured via an ecosystem of consumer-oriented wearable self-tracking devices, smartphone apps and related services. Techniques from information science, sociology, psychology, statistics, machine learning and data mining are applied to analyze collected data.

These techniques provide new opportunities to enrich the understanding of individual and population health. Self-tracking data can provide better measures of everyday behaviour and lifestyle and can complement more traditional clinical data collection, towards a comprehensive picture of health.

HealthWear will bring together researchers, developers, designer and industry professionals from both Healthcare community and University to discuss key issues, opportunities and obstacles for personal health data research. These include challenges of capturing, summarizing, presenting and retrieving relevant information from heterogeneous sources to support a new vision of pervasive personal healthcare.



The works that will be presented at conference will focus on the following topics:

- Wearable devices and systems.
- Printable and Flexible electronics
- mHealth and/or eHealth
- Personal Health Informatics
- Pervasive Health
- Wearable for Ambient Assist Living
- Smart Glass, wearable imaging, projection devices
- Earable devices
- Activity Monitoring and Devices
- Self-Tracking
- Healthcare Knowledge Representation & Reasoning
- Health Data acquisition, analysis and mining
- Validity, reliability, usability and effectiveness of Self-Tracking devices
- Social and Psychological investigation into Self-Tracking devices
- Health Monitoring in clinical and lifestyle environments
- Sensors and actuators for Wellness, Fitness and Rehabilitation
- Innovative Algorithms for assessment
- Life Coaching
- Medical Self-diagnostics
- Healthcare and edge computing
- Deep-learning for wearable signals analysis
- Ubiquitous Input Devices
- Wearable fashion
- Experiment Design



All registered papers will be published by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:

- Sensors Special Issue (IF: 3.031)
- Design Studies (IF: 2.780)

Additionally, selected papers will be considered to be included in one of EAI Transactions.

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