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Creative Technologies 2018 : Machine Learning and Nature Inspired Computing based Innovative Applications


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2018
Notification Due Aug 15, 2018
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2018
Categories    machine learning   deep learning   nature inspired computing   applications of artificial int

Call For Papers

The emergence of new developments of machine learning and nature inspired computing such as deep learning is radically transforming the design and performance of the computer based systems. Machine learning (ML) assists in designing and developing artificial intelligent applications so that a machine can perform a task without intervention of the humans.

It has the ability to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns. Nature inspired computing algorithms are optimization techniques which are effectively used to solve NP hard problems. The major objective of this special issue is to gather manuscripts in which machine learning, deep learning and nature inspired computing techniques play key role in the designing innovative applications in different domain areas.

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