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EAI PervasiveHealth 2022 : EAI PervasiveHealth 2022 - 16th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://pervasivehealth.eai-conferences.org/2022/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
EAI PervasiveHealth 2022 will be held as an on-site conference and if needed, Accepted Authors who are unable to attend the event in person will be given an option to present remotely.
*** Scope PervasiveHealth is a premier international forum with a specific focus on technologies and human factors related to the use of ubiquitous computing in healthcare and for wellbeing. The overall goal of the PervasiveHealth conference is to take a multidisciplinary approach to Pervasive Healthcare, technology, research and development. PervasiveHealth is addressing a broad scope of research topics and concerns: identify and understand problems from a technological, social, medical, and legal as well as financial perspective (with a particular emphasis on understanding and supporting patient and practitioner needs), design, implementation, and evaluation of supporting hardware and software infrastructures, algorithms, services and applications, and organizational strategies that facilitate integration of Pervasive Healthcare technology into the healthcare enterprise. The PervasiveHealth conference this year will focus on telemedicine, new technologies designed and developed to face the challenges of covid-19, and the way healthcare systems should be re-designed in collaboration between industry, academia and decision-makers to create advanced care systems. *** General Chair Athanasios Tsanas University of Edinburgh, UK Technical Program Committee Chairs - Pedro Gomez-Vilda Universidad Polytecnica de Madrid, Spain - Dimitrios Fotiadis University of Ioannina, Greece - Konstantinos Votis Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece *** Publication All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library. PervasiveHealth proceedings are indexed in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Inspec, and Zentralblatt MATH. Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Inspec, and Zentralblatt MATH. All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of: - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology (Open Access) – indexed in Ei Compendex & Scopus - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Bioengineering and Bioinformatics (Open Access) Additional publication opportunities: - EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series (titles in this series are indexed in Ei Compendex, Web of Science & Scopus) *** Topics The following topics are in relation to the conference focus: - Sensing/Actuating Technologies and Pervasive Computing, - Intelligent Digital Health Systems and Interventions, - Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), - Identifying and Addressing Stakeholder Needs, - Usability and Acceptability, - Barriers and Enablers to Adoption of New Technologies and Care Models, - Social Implications of Pervasive Health Technology and Social Inclusion, - Patient and Caregiver Empowerment, - Digital Interventions and Health Behavior Change, - Autonomous Systems to Support Independent Living, - Clinical Applications, - Validation and Evaluation Studies, - Telemedicine and mHealth Solutions/Telemonitoring, - Chronic Disease and Health Risk Management Applications, - Health/Wellbeing Promotion and Disease Prevention, - Home-based Healthcare and Wellness Measurement and Monitoring, - Continuous vs. Event-driven Monitoring of Patients, - Smart Homes, - Activity Recognition and Fall Detection, - User Modelling and Personalization, - Decision Support Systems, - Data Fusion in Pervasive Healthcare Environments, - Business Cases and Cost Issues, - Security and Privacy Issues, - Training of Healthcare Professional for Pervasive Healthcare, - Legal and Regulatory Issues, - Education and Acquired Skills. *** This event is organized by EAI (www.eai.eu). EAI – European Alliance for Innovation is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities. |