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KDD Converse 2020 : KDD Workshop on Conversational Systems Towards Mainstream Adoption


When Aug 24, 2020 - Aug 24, 2020
Where San Diego
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2020
Notification Due Jun 30, 2020
Final Version Due Jul 10, 2020
Categories    conversational system   recommender systems   NLP   information reterival

Call For Papers

Conversational systems have improved dramatically recently and are gaining adoption in industries such as e-commerce, banking, finance and real estate to name a few. Although there is a lot of research done in developing conversational systems spanning areas such as dialogue systems, NLP, NLU, HCI, search and recommender systems; there are additional challenges when a product is created based on conversational systems and deployed to real world users. Research from different areas come together when conversational systems are put in practice along with unique and additional challenges. This workshop aims to bring researchers and practitioners together to discuss issues, learnings, challenges and research in productization of the conversational systems and their deployment to the real world.

Call For Papers

KDD Converse is a half day workshop taking place on Monday, August 24, 2020 in conjunction with KDD 2020 in San Diego, CA.

Important Dates

Submissions Due - June 15, 2020 (11: 59 P.M. AoE)
Notification - June 30, 2020
Camera Ready Version of Papers Due - July 10, 2020
KDD Converse half day Workshop - August 24, 2020
Workshop Website - KDD Converse 2020

We invite quality research contributions, position and opinion papers addressing relevant challenges in the domain of conversational systems. We invite submission of papers and posters of two to ten pages (including references), representing original research, preliminary research results, proposals for new work, position and opinion papers.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Task oriented dialog and chat systems
End-to-end learning approaches for conversational systems
Information extraction and knowledge graphs
Dialogue state tracking and policy learning
Natural language processing in conversational systems
Natural language understanding in conversational systems
Design of conversational systems and agents
User-interaction and user-experience design
Preference elicitation approaches
Cold-start issues in conversational systems
Proactive systems
Critiquing in conversational systems
Question answering in conversational systems
Personalization in conversational systems
Recommendations-explanations in conversational systems
Dialogue management for conversational systems
Interaction methods in conversational systems
Evaluation and metrics
Integrating user feed-back and responses
Resources and data sets
Intent training and validation
Intent disambiguation
Agent deployment and management at scale
Challenges associated with general domain conversational systems
Challenges associated with domain specific conversational systems
Sarcasm and humor detection and generation in conversational systems

Submission Instructions

All submitted papers and posters will be single-blind and will be peer reviewed by an international program committee of researchers of high repute. Papers will be judged by their relevance to the workshop, especially to the main themes identified above, and their potential to generate discussion. All submissions must be formatted according to the latest ACM SIG proceedings template available at (LaTeX users use sample-sigconf.tex as a template). Accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop

Submissions must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions must be in English. Please note that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and present the paper.

Submissions to KDD Converse should be made at

The deadline for paper submission is June 15, 2020 (11: 59 P.M. AoE)

Related Resources

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