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ICSAH 2020 : Human mobility and cultural identities through history Migration, Inspiration, Transformation


When May 26, 2020 - May 29, 2020
Where Larnaca, Cyprus
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2020
Final Version Due Dec 31, 2020
Categories    cultural studies   humanities   history   migration

Call For Papers

We are pleased to invite you to the 4th International Conference on Arts and Humanities, organized by the International Centre for Studies of Arts and Humanities (ICSAH) and the Dante Alighieri Society of Nicosia in cooperation with Larnaca Minicipality and the Pontificia Università Salesiana. After the success of the past events, shaped by a fruitful exchange of ideas, this year our aim is explore the topic of human migration and its consequences in creating cultures and transforming identities. The conference is to be held in 26th-29th May 2020 in Larnaca, Cyprus.

We warmly welcome all papers broadly relevant to the subject without predefining chronological and territorial limitations, as the major goal of the conference is to address questions that involve more than one research field and promote multidisciplinary dialogue and cooperation. The papers will be published online and in a dedicated volume of Conference Proceedings.

Abstract. Human mobility is a building block in the historical development. Migrants act as cultural bond in the exchange of ideas and achievements that shape and re-shape cultural identities throughout history. Whether peaceful or a fruit of conflicts, human migration has led to new inspirations and innovations, while in the same time has caused deterioration and destruction.

We invite proposals that enable to delineate the perception of migration in different cultural and disciplinary contexts by studying the political, social, cultural and psychological effects of this phenomenon as reflected in literature, art, history and philosophy. We encourage also papers that accentuate on the influence of this phenomenon in strengthening social cohesion and creating multicultural values in human society, but also the adverse impact of the recurring cultural transfer on receiving societies.

About ICSAH. The International Centre for Studies of Arts and Humanities is a non-profit, interdisciplinary organization dedicated to the research, study and education in a vast range of disciplines in the field Arts and Humanities. The mission of the organization is to:

Promote the worldwide understanding, study and teaching across a range of disciplines of the Arts and Humanities, including, but not limited to
· Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History

· Ancient and modern languages and literature

· Classics, Philosophy

· Religions and History of Religions

· Anthropology and ethnic studies

· Archaeology

· Visual arts

· Performing arts, including theatre, dance, music

· Those aspects of social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods

· Cultural heritage

2. Provide additional forums for the exchange of ideas regarding Arts and Humanities in schools, Universities, libraries, museums and other contexts

3. Support the interchange of research and the scholarships of knowledge, teaching and service in the Humanities through conferences, publications and relative activities

Submission rules: To submit a proposal for a paper of approximately 20 minutes or a poster, please send an abstract of 350 words or less to by March 30th, 2020. The proposed contributions should not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Abstracts should include a title, a summary of the presentation, name of the author/s, institutional affiliation and email.

Conference languages: English, French, Italian.

Conference fee: 50€

For further information about the conference, please see our website Please address any further enquiries to

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