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ICANNGA'09 2009 : International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms


When Apr 23, 2009 - Apr 25, 2009
Where Kuopio, Finland
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2008
Categories    machine learning   bioinformatics   evolutionary computation   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

The ICANNGA series of international conferences has a long history of promoting the principles and understanding of computational intelligence paradigms within the scientific community. Starting in 1993, it has established itself as a reference for scientists and researchers in this area. The series has also been of great value to young researchers wishing not only to extend their knowledge and experience. The conference also enhances the opportunity to exchange opinions through lectures and discussions, provides a great opportunity to meet new colleagues, as well as to renew old friendships and to facilitate the possibilities for international collaborations. The 2009 Conference, ninth in the ICANNGA series, will take place at the University of Kuopio, Finland, combining plenary lectures with technical sessions.

Contributions are sought in the following topic areas (the list is not exhaustive):

Neural Networks: architectures, algorithms, approximation, complexity, associative memory, biological foundations, computational neuroscience, neurodynamics, neurocognition.

Learning: kernel methods, support vector machines, supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, Bayesian learning.

Evolutionary Computation: genetic algorithms, genetic programming, multi-objective optimization, biological computation, classifier systems, artificial life, artificial immune systems, evolution strategies, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, swarm intelligence, evolvable hardware.

Soft Computing: fuzzy systems, rough systems, uncertain systems, hybrid systems, neuro-fuzzy controllers, embedded computing for intelligent systems, random search methods, probabilistic computing, chaotic computing, symbolic computing.

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: molecular computing, DNA computing, bioinformatics databases, computational genomics, computational proteomics, clustering, mapping gene expression and micro arrays, gene identification and annotation, molecular evolution, molecular sequence analysis, protein structure, protein classification.

Quantum Computing: standard and adiabatic quantum computing, quantum random walks, quantum supercomputing, quantum versions of classical computational paradigms.

Applications: medicine, environment, quantitative socio-dynamics, pattern recognition, classification, signal processing, control, simulation, robotics, diagnostics, transport, defense, security, power systems, finance and business, data mining and intelligent databases, speech recognition and natural language processing, image processing and computer vision, real-time computational intelligence and games, grid computing, biometrics.

We would like to point out, that we especially wish to encourage papers presenting new ideas and future trends from the above topics.


The conference proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer-Verlag. Please note, that in order to have the contribution included in the ICANNGA'09 conference proceedings, the accepted paper must be presented by at least one author during the conference. We also plan to accept some papers as posters, which however will not be included in the final proceedings.

IMPORTANT DATES (preliminary)

Call for Papers 1 April 2008
Extended Paper Submission Deadline 15 December 2008
Notification of Acceptance 1 February 2009
Early Registration Deadline 15 February 2009
Camera-ready Paper Deadline 1 March 2009
Conference Date 23-25 April 2009
Proceedings Preparation May 2009

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